Comprehensive analysis of pure-quartic soliton dynamics in a passively mode-locked fiber laser
Lie Liu(刘列)1, Ying Han(韩颖)1, Jiayu Huo(霍佳雨)1,†, Honglin Wen(文红琳)1, Ge Wu(吴戈)2, and Bo Gao(高博)1
1 College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China; 2 College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Abstract The understanding of soliton dynamics promotes the development of ultrafast laser technology. High-energy pure-quartic solitons (PQSs) have gradually become a hotspot in recent years. Herein, we numerically study the influence of the gain bandwidth, saturation power, small-signal gain, and output coupler on PQS dynamics in passively mode-locked fiber lasers. The results show that the above four parameters can affect PQS dynamics. Pulsating PQSs occur as we alter the other three parameters when the gain bandwidth is 50 nm. Meanwhile, PQSs evolve from pulsating to erupting and then to splitting as the other three parameters are altered when the gain bandwidth is 10 nm, which can be attributed to the existence of the spectral filtering effect and intra-cavity fourth-order dispersion. These findings provide new insights into PQS dynamics in passively mode-locked fiber lasers.
Fund: We acknowledge the financial support from Science and Technology Project of the Jilin Provincial Department of Education (Grant No. JJKH20231171KJ).
Corresponding Authors:
Jiayu Huo
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Lie Liu(刘列), Ying Han(韩颖), Jiayu Huo(霍佳雨), Honglin Wen(文红琳), Ge Wu(吴戈), and Bo Gao(高博) Comprehensive analysis of pure-quartic soliton dynamics in a passively mode-locked fiber laser 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 114209
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