Special Issue:
TOPICAL REVIEW—Laser and plasma assisted synthesis of advanced nanomaterials in liquids
SPECIAL TOPIC—Laser and plasma assisted synthesis of advanced nanomaterials in liquids |
Quantitative evaluation of LAL productivity of colloidal nanomaterials: Which laser pulse width is more productive, ergonomic, and economic? |
Alena Nastulyavichus†, Nikita Smirnov, and Sergey Kudryashov |
P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Abstract Near-IR (wavelength ≈ 1 μm) laser ablation of bulk, chemically-inert gold in water was compared for different laser pulse width in broad the range of 300 fs-100 ns, comparing a number of key ablation characteristics: mass loss, single-shot crater volume and extinction coefficient of the generated colloidal solutions taken in the spectral ranges of interband transitions and localized plasmon resonance. Comparing to related air-based ablation results, at the given fluences laser ablation in the liquid resulted in the maximum ablation yield per unit energy and maximum NP yield per pulse and per unit energy for the picosecond lasers, occurring at subcritical peak pulse powers for laser self-focusing. The self-focusing effect was demonstrated to yield in incomplete, effectively weaker focusing in the water filaments of ultrashort laser pulses with supercritical peak powers, comparing to linear (geometrical) focusing at sub-critical peak powers. At the other, nanosecond-pulse extreme the high ablation yield per pulse, but low ablation yield per unit energy and low NP yield per pulse and per unit energy were related to strong ablation plasma screening, providing mass removal according to the well-established scaling relationships for plasma. Illustrative comparison of the ablation and nanoparticle generation efficiency versus the broad fs-ns laser pulse width range was enabled in terms of productivity, economicity, and ergonomicity, using the proposed universal quantitative criteria.
Received: 16 November 2021
Revised: 13 February 2022
Accepted manuscript online: 17 February 2022
(Nanocrystals, nanoparticles, and nanoclusters)
(Laser ablation)
(Self-focussing, channeling, and filamentation in plasmas)
Fund: Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. 075-15-2020-775). |
Corresponding Authors:
Alena Nastulyavichus
E-mail: ganuary_moon@mail.ru
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Alena Nastulyavichus, Nikita Smirnov, and Sergey Kudryashov Quantitative evaluation of LAL productivity of colloidal nanomaterials: Which laser pulse width is more productive, ergonomic, and economic? 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 077803
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