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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(9): 094103    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/9/094103

Gain calculation of a free-electron laser operating with a non-uniform ion-channel guide

A. Hasanbeigia), H. Mehdiana), and S. Jafarib)
a Department of Physics and Plasma Research Institute of Tarbiat Moallem University, 49 Dr Mofatteh Avenue, Tehran 15614, Iran; b Department of Physics, University of Guilan, Rasht 41335-1914, Iran
Abstract  Amplification of an electromagnetic wave by a free electron laser (FEL) with a helical wiggler and an ion channel with a periodically varying ion density is examined. The relativistic equation of motion for a single electron in the combined wiggler and the periodic ion-channel fields is solved and the classes of possible trajectories in this configuration are discussed. The gain equation for the FEL in the low-gain-per-pass limit is obtained by adding the effect of the periodic ion channel. Numerical calculation is employed to analyse the gain induced by the effects of the non-uniform ion density. The variation of gain with ion-channel density is demonstrated. It is shown that there is a gain enhancement for group I orbits in the presence of a non-uniform ion-channel but not in a uniform one. It is also shown that periodic ion-channel guiding is used to reach the maximum peak gain in a low ion-channel frequency (low ion density).
Keywords:  free electron laser      nonuniform ion-channel      helical wiggler  
Received:  05 September 2010      Revised:  14 February 2011      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  41.60.Cr (Free-electron lasers)  
  52.59.Rz (Free-electron devices)  
  52.38.-r (Laser-plasma interactions)  

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A. Hasanbeigi, H. Mehdian, and S. Jafari Gain calculation of a free-electron laser operating with a non-uniform ion-channel guide 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 094103

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