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Chinese Physics, 2004, Vol. 13(9): 1569-1573    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/9/036

A model for processivity of molecular motors

Xie Ping (谢平), Dou Shuo-Xing (窦硕星), Wang Peng-Ye (王鹏业)
Laboratory of Soft Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract  We propose a two-dimensional model for a complete description of the dynamics of molecular motors, including both the processive movement along track filaments and the dissociation from the filaments. Theoretical results on the distributions of the run length and dwell time at a given adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration, the dependences of mean run length, mean dwell time and mean velocity on ATP concentration and load are in good agreement with the previous experimental results.
Keywords:  molecular motor      two-dimensional model      Brownian particle      Langevin equation  
Received:  09 September 2003      Revised:  18 March 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  87.14.E- (Proteins)  
  82.37.Np (Single molecule reaction kinetics, dissociation, etc.)  
  87.15.La (Mechanical properties)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 60025516 and 10334100).

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Xie Ping (谢平), Dou Shuo-Xing (窦硕星), Wang Peng-Ye (王鹏业) A model for processivity of molecular motors 2004 Chinese Physics 13 1569

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