Abstract We report the generation of multi-wavelength visible light through amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in Er3+-doped and Er3+/Yb3+-doped germanosilicate single-mode optical fiber pumped by a Nd:YLF laser at 1313nm. In the Er3+-doped fiber, the intense multi-wavelength blue emission hnes around 463-510nm corre-spond to transitions born 2G7/2 etc. excited states to the metastable 4I13/2 state, and their pumping mechanists is aecomphshed by a stepwise four-photon absorption. Some emission hnes in this wavelength region are attributed to the three-wave sum-frequency process of 1313 and 1530nm (corresponds to 4I13/2 -4I15/2). The intense green emission hnes at 525 and 540 nm are also observed in the Er3+-doped fiber. In the Er3+/Yb3+-doped fiber the blue and green lines are very weak compared with those in the Er3+-doped fiber.
Received: 12 October 1995
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