One-step synthesis of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen with high yield just by heating |
Liangfei Wu(吴良飞)1,†, Yuxuan Xu(徐宇轩)1,2,†, Guo Chen(陈果)1,2, Junfeng Ding(丁俊峰)1,2, Ming Li(李明)1,2,‡, Zhi Zeng(曾雉)1,2, and Xianlong Wang(王贤龙)1,2,§ |
1 Key Laboratory of Materials Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China; 2 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China |
Abstract A high-efficient one-step synthesis of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen was developed just by thermal treatment of KN$_3$ powders. Raman and infrared spectra confirm the formation of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen. Further thermogravimetric differential scanning calorimeter measurements show that the content of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen is as high as 1.5 wt% with high thermal stability, which is the highest content value reported so far.
Received: 17 November 2024
Revised: 20 November 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 21 November 2024
(Other materials)
Fund: Project supported by the CASHIPS Director’s Fund (Grant Nos. YZJJ202207-CX, YZJJ202308-TS, and YZJJGGZX-2022-01). |
Corresponding Authors:
Ming Li, Xianlong Wang
E-mail: liming@issp.ac.cn;xlwang@theory.issp.ac.cn
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Liangfei Wu(吴良飞), Yuxuan Xu(徐宇轩), Guo Chen(陈果), Junfeng Ding(丁俊峰), Ming Li(李明), Zhi Zeng(曾雉), and Xianlong Wang(王贤龙) One-step synthesis of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen with high yield just by heating 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 126802
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