Electron correlation in two-electron atoms: A Bohmian analysis of high-order harmonic generation in high-frequency domain |
Yang Song(宋阳)1, Shu Han(韩姝)2, Yujun Yang(杨玉军)3,†, and Fuming Guo(郭福明)3,‡ |
1 College of Science, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China; 2 Archives, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China; 3 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China |
Abstract In studying interactions between intense laser fields and atoms or molecules, the role of electron correlation effects on the dynamical response is an important and pressing issue to address. Utilizing Bohmian mechanics (BM), we have theoretically explored the two-electron correlation characteristics while generating high-order harmonics in xenon atoms subjected to intense laser fields. We initially employed Bohmian trajectories to reproduce the dynamics of the electrons and subsequently utilized time-frequency analysis spectra to ascertain the emission time windows for high-order harmonics. Within these time windows, we classified the nuclear region Bohmian trajectories and observed that intense high-order harmonics are solely generated when paired Bohmian particles (BPs) concurrently appear in the nuclear region and reside there for a duration within a re-collision time window. Furthermore, our analysis of characteristic trajectories producing high-order harmonics led us to propose a two-electron re-collision model to elucidate this phenomenon. The study demonstrates that intense high-order harmonics are only generated when both electrons are in the ground state within the re-collision time window. This work discusses the implications of correlation effects between two electrons and offers valuable insights for studying correlation in multi-electron high-order harmonic generation.
Received: 22 August 2024
Revised: 26 September 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 09 October 2024
(Multiphoton ionization and excitation to highly excited states)
(Strong-field excitation of optical transitions in quantum systems; multiphoton processes; dynamic Stark shift)
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation (General Project) of Jilin Province, China (Grant No. 20230101283JC). |
Corresponding Authors:
Yujun Yang, Fuming Guo
E-mail: yangyj@jlu.edu.cn;guofm@jlu.edu.cn
Cite this article:
Yang Song(宋阳), Shu Han(韩姝), Yujun Yang(杨玉军), and Fuming Guo(郭福明) Electron correlation in two-electron atoms: A Bohmian analysis of high-order harmonic generation in high-frequency domain 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 123201
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