Enhancement of the group delay in quadratic coupling optomechanical systems subjected to an external force
Jimmi Hervé Talla Mbé1,†, Ulrich Chancelin Tiofack Demanou1,2, Christian Kenfack-Sadem1, and Martin Tchoffo1
1 Research Unit of Condensed Matter, Electronics and Signal Processing, Department of Physics, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 67, Dschang, Cameroon; 2 African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, P.O. Box 608, Limbe, Cameroon
Abstract We theoretically study the effect of the quadratic coupling strength on optomechanical systems subjected to a continuous external force. Quadratic coupling strength originates from strong coupling between the optical and the mechanical degrees of freedom. We show that the quadratic coupling strength reduces the amplitude of the dispersion spectra at the resonance in both {blue- and red-sideband regimes}. However, it increases (decreases) the amplitude of the absorption spectrum in the blue- (red-)sideband regime. Furthermore, in both sideband regimes, the effective detuning between the pump and the cavity deviates with the quadratic coupling strength. Thereby, appropriate selection of the quadratic coupling strength results in an important magnification (in absolute value) of the group delay for both slow and fast light exiting from the optomechanical cavity.
Jimmi Hervé Talla Mbé, Ulrich Chancelin Tiofack Demanou, Christian Kenfack-Sadem, and Martin Tchoffo Enhancement of the group delay in quadratic coupling optomechanical systems subjected to an external force 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 124202
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