Abstract This paper investigates the collision between two nonlinear waves with arbitrary angle in two-dimensional nonlinear lattice. By using the extended Poincaré--Lighthill--Kuo perturbation method, it obtains two Korteweg--de Vries equations for nonlinear waves in both the and directions, respectively, and derives the analytical phase shifts after the collision of two nonlinear waves. Finally, the solution of up to order is given.
Fund: Project supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under (Grant Nos 10575082 and
10247008), the Scientific Research Foundation (SRF) for the Returned
Overseas Chinese Scholars (ROCF), State Education Ministry (SEM).
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Yang Xiao-Xia(杨晓霞), Duan Wen-Shan(段文山), Li Sheng-Chang(栗生长), and Han Jiu-Ning(韩久宁) The interaction of nonlinear waves in two-dimensional lattice 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 2989
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