Abstract Photoelectron is the foundation of latent image formation, the decay process of photoelectrons is influenced by all kinds of trapping centres in silver halide. By analysing the mechanism of latent image formation it is found that electron trap, hole trap, and one kind of recombination centre where free electron and trapped hole recombine are the main trapping centres in silver halide. Different trapping centres have different influences on the photoelectron behaviour. The effects of all kinds of typical trapping centres on the decay of photoelectrons are systematically investigated by solving the photoelectron decay kinetic equations. The results are in agreement with those obtained in the microwave absorption dielectric spectrum experiment.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 10274017 and 10354001),and the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant Nos 103097 and 603138).
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Li Xiao-Wei (李晓苇), Zhang Rong-Xiang (张荣香), Liu Rong-Juan (刘荣鹃), Yang Shao-Peng (杨少鹏), Han Li (韩理), Fu Guang-Sheng (傅广生) The influence of trapping centres on the photoelectron decay in silver halide 2006 Chinese Physics 15 624
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