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Chinese Physics, 2004, Vol. 13(2): 268-272    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/2/025

Bosonic and fermionic entropy of black holes with different temperatures on horizon surface

Ding Tian-Ran (丁天然)a, Wu Yue-Qin (武月琴)b, Zhang Li-Chun (张丽春)b
a Department of Physics, Jining Teacher's College, Jining 272025, China; b Department of Physics, Yanbei Normal Institute, Datong 037000, China
Abstract  By using the method of quantum statistics, we derive directly the partition functions of bosonic and fermionic field in the black hole space-time with different temperatures on horizon surface. The statistical entropy of the black hole is obtained by an improved brick-wall method. When we choose a proper parameter in our results, we can obtain that the entropy of the black hole is proportional to the area of horizon. In our result, there do not exist any neglected term or divergent logarithmic term as given in the original brick-wall method. We have avoided the difficulty in solving the wave equation of the scalar and Dirac field. A simple and direct way of studying entropy of the black hole is given.
Keywords:  quantum statistics      membrane model      statistical entropy      brick-wall method  
Received:  28 May 2003      Revised:  30 July 2003      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  04.70.-s (Physics of black holes)  
  05.30.Fk (Fermion systems and electron gas)  
  05.30.Jp (Boson systems)  
  11.27.+d (Extended classical solutions; cosmic strings, domain walls, texture)  
  95.30.Cq (Elementary particle processes)  
  97.60.Lf (Black holes)  
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No 20001009).

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Ding Tian-Ran (丁天然), Wu Yue-Qin (武月琴), Zhang Li-Chun (张丽春) Bosonic and fermionic entropy of black holes with different temperatures on horizon surface 2004 Chinese Physics 13 268

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