Abstract In the three-level Λ-type and V-type systems, we find that the same pump-effect parameter $R(=\frac{2|V_c|^2\gamma}{(\omega_{ac}-\omega_c)^2+\gamma^2})$ determines the population distributions, while the probe field leads to population fluctuations near the absorption peaks. With the increasing of the relaxation rate $\gamma$, the population distributions are shifted and their fluctuation amplitudes decrease. At the same time the electromagnetically induced transparency window becomes a broadened absorption peak, and the dispersion at the zero probe detuning changes from positive to negative. Large population fluctuation and non-fluctuation observed in different systems are attributed to the different relaxation rates.
Received: 25 February 2004
Revised: 29 March 2004
Accepted manuscript online:
(Effects of atomic coherence on propagation, absorption, and Amplification of light; electromagnetically induced transparency and Absorption)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 10334010, 10304001, 10328407, and 90101027). Also by the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation (Grant No TG1999075207) and by the Scientific Research Foundation for
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Sun Qing-Qing (孙庆青), Gu Ying (古英), Gong Qi-Huang (龚旗煌) Effect of relaxation rate on population distribution, EIT and refraction in $\varLambda$ and V systems 2004 Chinese Physics 13 1711
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