Abstract The optical-optical double resonant multiphoton ionization (OODR-MPI) technique and the fluorescent excitation spectroscopy technique have been applied to the study of the F′0+u ion-pair state of iodine. This paper presents OODR-MPI spectrum and fluorescent excitation spectrum of I2 in the region of 54000-55300cm-1 by the three-photon resonant, two-photon ionization (1+2+2) and (1+(1+1)+2) processes.
Received: 10 November 1997
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(Multiphoton ionization and excitation to highly excited states (e.g., Rydberg states))
(Multiple resonances (including double and higher-order resonance processes, such as double nuclear magnetic resonance, electron double resonance, and microwave optical double resonance))
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China.
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ZHANG LIAN-SHUI (张连水), LIU NING-NING (刘宁宁), LI XIAO-WEI (李晓苇), FU GUANG-SHENG (傅广生) ANALYSIS OF F′0+u ION-PAIR STATE OF IODINE 1998 Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 7 333
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