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    08 October 2007, Volume 16 Issue 10 Previous issue    Next issue
    The periodic solution to a delayed sea--air oscillator coupling model for the El Niño--Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
    Li Xiao-Jing(李晓静)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2837-2840.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/001
    Abstract ( 1538 )   PDF (99KB) ( 612 )  
    A time-delay sea--air oscillator coupling model is studied. Using Mawhin's continuation theorem, the result on the existence of periodic solutions for the sea--air oscillator model is obtained.
    Unified symmetry of non-holonomic singular systems
    Li Yuan-Cheng(李元成), Wang Jing(王静), Xia Li-Li (夏丽莉), Hou Qi-Bao(后其宝), and Jing Hong-Xing(荆宏星)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2841-2844.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/002
    Abstract ( 1263 )   PDF (96KB) ( 485 )  
    In this paper, the unified symmetry of non-holonomic singular systems is studied. The differential equations of motion of the systems are given. The definition and the criterion of the unified symmetry for the systems are presented. The Noether conserved quantity the Hojman conserved quantity and the Mei conserved quantity are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the application of the results.
    Analytical mechanics methods for solving Whittaker equations
    Mei Feng-Xiang(梅凤翔), Xie Jia-Fang(解加芳), and Gang Tie-Qiang(冮铁强)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2845-2847.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/003
    Abstract ( 1775 )   PDF (87KB) ( 578 )  
    The purpose of this paper is to study the solution of the celebrated Whittaker equations by using analytical mechanics methods, including the Lagrange--Noether method, Hamilton--Poisson method and potential integral method.
    Anomalous scaling in a non-Gaussian random shell model for passive scalars
    Zhao Ying-Kui(赵英奎), Chen Shi-Gang(陈式刚), and Wang Guang-Rui(王光瑞)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2848-2854.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/004
    Abstract ( 1380 )   PDF (646KB) ( 481 )  
    In this paper, we have introduced a shell-model of Kraichnan's passive scalar problem. Different from the original problem, the prescribed random velocity field is non-Gaussian and $\delta$ correlated in time, and its introduction is inspired by She and Lévêque (Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 336 (1994)). For comparison, we also give the passive scalar advected by the Gaussian random velocity field. The anomalous scaling exponents $H(p)$ of passive scalar advected by these two kinds of random velocities above are determined for structure function with values of $p$ up to 15 by Monte Carlo simulations of the random shell model, with Gear methods used to solve the stochastic differential equations. We find that the $H(p)$ advected by the non-Gaussian random velocity is not more anomalous than that advected by the Gaussian random velocity. Whether the advecting velocity is non-Gaussian or Gaussian, similar scaling exponents of passive scalar are obtained with the same molecular diffusivity.
    The geometric phase of the quantum systems with slow but finite rate of the external time-dependent field
    Jia Xin-Yan(贾欣燕), Li Wei-Dong(李卫东), and Liang Jiu-Qing(梁九卿)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2855-2861.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/005
    Abstract ( 1294 )   PDF (135KB) ( 440 )  
    With the help of the time-dependent gauge transformation technique, we have studied the geometric phase of a spin-half particle in a rotating magnetic field. We have found that the slow but finite frequency of the rotating magnetic field will make the difference between the adiabatic geometric phase and the exact geometric phase. When the frequency is much smaller than the energy space and the adiabatic condition is perfectly guaranteed, the adiabatic approximation geometric phase is exactly consistent with the adiabatic geometric phase. A simple relation for the accuracy of the adiabatic approximation is given in terms of the changing rate of the frequency of the rotating magnetic field and the energy level space.
    Unconditional secure two-way quantum dense key distribution
    Lü Hua(吕桦), Chen Ai-Xi(陈爱喜), and Yan Xu-Dong(闫旭东)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2862-2866.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/006
    Abstract ( 1240 )   PDF (132KB) ( 566 )  
    In this paper, we present a two-way quantum dense key distribution protocol. With double check modes, our scheme is secure regardless of the presence of noises. And with a quantum teleportation process, secret message can be encoded deterministically even if the quantum channel is highly lossy. Therefore, our scheme can be used in a realistic quantum channel regardless of the presence of noises and channel losses.
    Probabilistic teleportation of an arbitrary GHZ-class state with a pure entangled two-particle quantum channel and its application in quantum state sharing
    Zhou Ping(周萍), Li Xi-Han(李熙涵), Deng Fu-Guo(邓富国), and Zhou Hong-Yu(周宏余)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2867-2874.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/007
    Abstract ( 1478 )   PDF (160KB) ( 771 )  
    This paper presents a scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an arbitrary GHZ-class state with a pure entangled two-particle quantum channel. The sender Alice first teleports the coefficients of the unknown state to the receiver Bob, and then Bob reconstructs the state with an auxiliary particle and some unitary operations if the teleportation succeeds. This scheme has the advantage of transmitting much less particles for teleporting an arbitrary GHZ-class state than others. Moreover, it discusses the application of this scheme in quantum state sharing.
    A (2, 3) quantum threshold scheme based on Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger state
    Li Yuan(李渊) and Zeng Gui-Hua(曾贵华)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2875-2879.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/008
    Abstract ( 1452 )   PDF (107KB) ( 479 )  
    In this paper, by using properties of quantum controlled-not manipulation and entanglement states, we have designed a novel (2, 3) quantum threshold scheme based on the Greenberger- Horne -Zeilinger (GHZ) state. The proposed scheme involves two phases, i.e. a secret sharing phase and a secret phase. Detailed proofs show that the proposed scheme is of unconditional security. Since the secret is shared among three participants, the proposed scheme may be applied to quantum key distribution and secret sharing.
    Controlled teleportation of multi-qudit quantum information
    Zhan Xiao-Gui(詹孝贵), Li Hong-Mei(李红梅), Ji Hua(季花), and Zeng Hao-Sheng(曾浩生)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2880-2887.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/009
    Abstract ( 1578 )   PDF (209KB) ( 738 )  
    We propose a scheme for realizing a controlled teleportation of random $M$-qudit quantum information under the control of $N$ agents. The resource consumption includes a prearranged $(2M + N + 1)$-qudit entangled quantum channel and $(2M + N + 1)\log _2 d$-bit classical communication. And the quantum operations used in the teleportation process are a series of generalized Bell-state measurements, single-qudit measurements, qudit $H$-gates, qudit-Pauli gates and qudit phase gates. It is shown that the original state can be restored by the receiver only on condition that all the agents work in collaboration with each others. If one agent does not cooperate with the other, the original state cannot be fully recovered.
    Entanglement swapping of continuous variable using squeezed vacuum states
    Yan Wei(闫伟) and Zhang Wei-Jun(张为俊)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2885-2888.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/010
    Abstract ( 1456 )   PDF (101KB) ( 586 )  
    We present a realistic scheme for the entanglement swapping of continuous variable, in which a two-mode squeezed vacuum state serves as a quantum channel. The position sum and momentum difference of two local modes are measured. By taking the input entangled state also as a two-mode squeezed vacuum state, we investigate the average fidelity and the von Neumann entropy of the output state. The results show that the perfect teleportation can be achieved by increasing the squeezing of the quantum channel and that any nonzero squeezing in both the quantum channel and the input entangled state is sufficient to swap the entanglement.
    Stability problem in Rindler spacetime
    Tian Gui-Hua(田贵花), Wang Shi-Kun(王世坤), and Zhong Shu-Quan(钟树泉)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2889-2893.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/011
    Abstract ( 1272 )   PDF (116KB) ( 714 )  
    The stability problem of the Rindler spacetime is carefully studies by using the scalar wave perturbation. Using two different coordinate systems, the scalar wave equation is investigated. The results are different in the two cases. They are analysed and compared with each other in detail. The following conclusions are obtained: (a) the Rindler spacetime as a whole is not stable; (b) the Rindler spacetime can exist stably only as part of the Minkowski spacetime, and the Minkowski spacetime can be a real entity independently; (c) there are some defects for the scalar wave equation written by the Rindler coordinates, and it is unsuitable for the investigation of the stability properties of the Rindler spacetime. All these results may shed some light on the stability properties of the Schwarzschild black hole. It is natural and reasonable for one to infer that: (a) perhaps the Regge--Wheeler equation is not sufficient to determine the stable properties; (b) the Schwarzschild black hole as a whole might be really unstable; (c) the Kruskal spacetime is stable and can exist as a real physical entity; whereas the Schwarzschild black hole can occur only as part of the Kruskal spacetime.
    Improved calculation of relic gravitational waves
    Zhao Wen(赵文)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2894-2902.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/012
    Abstract ( 1072 )   PDF (178KB) ( 460 )  
    In this paper, we have improved the calculation of the relic gravitational waves (RGW) in two aspects. First, we investigate the transfer function by taking into consideration the redshift-suppression effect, the accelerating expansion effect, the damping effect of free-streaming relativistic particles, and the damping effect of cosmic phase transition, and give a simple approximate analytic expression, which clearly illustrates the dependence on the cosmological parameters. Second, we develop a numerical method to calculate the primordial power spectrum of RGW in a very wide frequency range, where the observed constraints on $n_{\rm s}$ (the scalar spectral index) and $P_{\rm S}(k_0)$ (the amplitude of primordial scalar spectrum) and the Hamilton--Jacobi equation are used. This method is applied to two kinds of inflationary models, which satisfy the current constraints on $n_{\rm s}$, $\alpha$ (the running of $n_{\rm s}$) and $r$ (the tensor--scalar ratio). We plot them in the $r-{\it\Omega}_{\rm g}$ diagram, where ${\it\Omega}_{\rm g}$ is the strength of RGW, and study their measurements from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments and laser interferometers.
    Realization of generalized synchronization between different chaotic systems via scalar controller
    Zhou Ping(周平) and Cao Yu-Xia(曹玉霞)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2903-2907.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/013
    Abstract ( 1950 )   PDF (394KB) ( 658 )  
    In this paper, a very simple generalized synchronization method between different chaotic systems is presented. Only a scalar controller is used in this method. The method of obtaining the scalar controller from chaotic systems is established. The sufficient and necessary condition of generalized synchronization is obtained from a rigorous theory, and the sufficient and necessary condition of generalized synchronization is irrelative to chaotic system itself. Theoretical analyses and simulation results show that the method established in this paper is effective.
    Dynamics of erbium-doped fibre laser with optical delay feedback and chaotic synchronization
    Fan Wen-Hua(范文华), Tian Xiao-Jian(田小建), Chen Ju-Fang(陈菊芳), Zheng Fan(郑凡), Yu Yong-Li(于永力), Gao Bo(高博), and Luo Hong-E(罗红娥)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2908-2912.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/014
    Abstract ( 1465 )   PDF (574KB) ( 947 )  
    The dynamical behaviour of the erbium-doped fibre single-ring laser with an optical delay feedback is discussed. Simulation shows that as the delay rate increases, the lasing light displays period-doubling which leads to chaos and via reverse period-doubling route returns from chaos to periodic. At a particular delay rate the intermittently chaotic route to chaos is also observed. The identical synchronization based on chaos in this ring laser is demonstrated by numerical simulation.
    Singular value decomposition with normalized period for magnetocaridiography signal processing
    Li Zhuo(李倬), Liu Dang-Ting(刘当婷), Tian Ye(田野), Chen Geng-Hua(陈赓华), Zhang Li-Hua(张利华), Yang Qian-Sheng(杨乾声), and Feng Ji(冯稷)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2913-2917.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/015
    Abstract ( 1409 )   PDF (930KB) ( 514 )  
    In this paper, we have developed an algorithm based on singular value decomposition (SVD) for matrix. And the novel SVD algorithm with normalized period of cardiac cycles is presented. The results from real magnetocardiography (MCG) data processing show that the new algorithm is better than the standard one not only in suppressing noises, but also in providing high-fidelity MCG signals.
    Neutralization process of Xeq+ ion grazing on Al(111) surface
    Hu Bi-Tao(胡碧涛), Zhang Hong-Jun(张宏俊), Zhang Jian(张健), Song Yu-Shou(宋玉收), Wang Li-Li(王丽丽), Chen Chun-Hua(陈春花), and Gu Jian-Gan(顾建刚)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2918-2923.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/016
    Abstract ( 1453 )   PDF (1969KB) ( 474 )  
    A code has been developed to simulate the neutralization and grazing process of slow highly charged ion Xeq+ on Al(111) surface under the classical-over-the-barrier model. The image energy gain of Xeq+ ions are calculated and compared with experiment data. The simulation results of image energy gain are in good agreement with the experiment data. Meanwhile, in the present work, the reflection coefficient of incident Xeq+ on Al(111) surface as a function of the incidence angle, energy and charge state is also studied.
    Population transfer via adiabatic passage in the Rydberg potassium atom
    Li Xiao-Hong(李小红), Zhang Xian-Zhou(张现周), Zhang Rui-Zhou(张瑞州), and Yang Xiang-Dong(杨向东)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2924-2929.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/017
    Abstract ( 1611 )   PDF (944KB) ( 604 )  
    Using the time-dependent multilevel approach, we have calculated the coherent population transfer between the quantum states of potassium atom by a single frequency-chirped laser pulse. The result shows that a pair of sequential `broadband' frequency-chirped laser pulses can efficiently transfer population from the initial state of the ladder system to the target state. It is also found that the population can be efficiently transferred to a target state and trapped there by using an `intuitive' or a `counterintuitive' frequency sweep laser pulse in the case of `narrowband' frequency-chirped laser pulse. Our research shows that the complete population transfer is related to the pulse duration, chirp rate, and amplitude of the laser pulse.
    Dominant wing spectroscopy of energy pooling collisions near the boundary layer involving thermal caesium vapour
    Wang Tie-Yun(王铁云), Huang Tao(黄涛), Dong Shuang-Li(董双丽), Xiao Lan-Tuan(肖连团), and Jia Suo-Tang(贾锁堂)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2930-2933.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/018
    Abstract ( 1243 )   PDF (551KB) ( 561 )  
    We have observed the dominant wing spectroscopy of energy pooling collision near the boundary layer involving Cs atoms under the condition of moderate-to-high optical depths at line-centre. It appears from our experimental investigations that the energy-pooling fluorescence presents about 16 spectral lines, and all the lines can be assigned to the Cs atomic transitions. We find that all lines of the energy-pooling retrofluorescence from the heated Cs atomic vapour cell show two-peak profiles. In addition, its pumping power linear dependence in the energy pooling process has been measured and analysed.
    Transition probabilities for NII 2p4f--2p3d and 2s2p23d--2s2p23p obtained by a semiclassical method
    Shen Xiao-Zhi(申晓志), Yuan Ping(袁萍), Zhang Hua-Ming(张华明), and Wang Jie(王杰)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2934-2937.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/019
    Abstract ( 1452 )   PDF (408KB) ( 625 )  
    Based on NII spectra, some transition probabilities for 2p4f--2p3d and 2s2p$^2$3d--2s2p$^2$3p are obtained by a semiclassical method. The results are in good agreement with other measurements and the data reported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The transition probability for a line of 424.18nm is reported for the first time. Meanwhile, a feasible method of calculating transition parameters related to special excited configurations or highly excited states is provided.
    Generalized oscillator strengths for some higher valence-shell excitations of krypton atom
    Zhu Lin-Fan(朱林繁), Zhang Fang-Xin(张放心), Cheng Hua-Dong(成华东), Yuan Hui(袁慧), Yuan Zhen-Sheng(苑震生), Li Wen-Bin(李文斌), Liu Xiao-Jing(刘小井), and Xu Ke-Zun(徐克尊)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2938-2945.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/020
    Abstract ( 1602 )   PDF (446KB) ( 496 )  
    The valence-shell excitations of krypton atom have been investigated by fast electron impact with an angle-resolved electron-energy-loss spectrometer. The generalized oscillator strengths for some higher mixed valence-shell excitations in 4d, 4f, 5p, 5d, 6s, 6p, 7s $\leftarrow$ 4p of krypton atom have been determined. Their profiles are discussed, and the generalized oscillator strengths for the electric monopole and quadrupole excitations in 5p $\leftarrow$ 4p are compared with the calculations of Amusia et al. (Phys. Rev.67 022703 (2003)). The differences between the experimental results and theoretical calculations show that more studies are needed.
    Two-colour coherent control of multiphoton ionization: a comparison between long-range and short-range potential model atoms
    Li Peng-Cheng(李鹏程) and Zhou Xiao-Xin(周效信)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2946-2951.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/021
    Abstract ( 1695 )   PDF (645KB) ( 491 )  
    Using the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation of a one-dimensional model atom in a two-colour laser field, we have investigated the effects of the potential models on coherent control of atomic multiphoton ionization. It is found that the photoelectron spectra are obviously different for the long-range (Coulomb-like) and short-range (with no excited bound states) potential model atoms, which are produced by two-colour coherent control of atomic multiphoton ionization in a few laser cycles. Our results indicate that two-colour coherent control of atomic multiphoton ionization can be observed in simulations, depending on the choice of the model potentials.
    Intramolecular vibrational dynamical barrier due to extremely irrational couplings Hot!
    Ou Shu-Ching(区树清) and Wu Guo-Zhen(吴国祯)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2952-2956.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/022
    Abstract ( 1201 )   PDF (701KB) ( 441 )  
    The intramolecular vibrational dynamics due to extremely irrational couplings is demonstrated by contrast to the resonance couplings, for the three-mode case of H$_2$O as an example. The extremely irrational couplings are shown to impose such strong hindrance to intramolecular vibrational relaxation (IVR) that they act as barriers. They restrict the direct action/energy transfer between the two stretching modes, though they allow the transfer between a stretching and a bending modes. In contrast, the resonance is more mediated by the bending mode and leads to chaotic IVR. It is also shown that there is a region in the dynamical space in which resonance and extremely irrational couplings coexist.
    Control of photoassociation reaction F+H→HF with ultrashort laser pulse
    Liu Li(刘俐), Niu Ying-Yu(牛英煜), Yuan Kai-Jun(元凯军), and Cong Shu-Lin(丛书林)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2957-2961.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/023
    Abstract ( 1315 )   PDF (594KB) ( 493 )  
    The laser-induced vibrational state-selectivity of product HF in photoassociation reaction H+F$\rightarrow$HF is theoretically investigated by using the time-dependent quantum wave packet method. The population transfer process from the continuum state down to the bound vibrational states can be controlled by the driving laser. The effects of laser pulse parameters and the initial momentum of the two collision atoms on the vibrational population of the product HF are discussed in detail. Photodissociation accompanied with the photoassociation process is also described.
    Investigations on spectroscopic parameters, vibrational levels, classical turning points and inertial rotation and centrifugal distortion constants for the X1+g state of sodium dimer
    Yu Ben-Hai(余本海), Dai Qi-Run(戴启润), Shi De-Heng(施德恒), and Liu Yu-Fang(刘玉芳)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2962-2967.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/024
    Abstract ( 1499 )   PDF (155KB) ( 492 )  
    The density functional theory (B3LYP, B3P86) and the quadratic configuration-interaction method including single and double substitutions (QCISD(T), QCISD) presented in Gaussian03 program package are employed to calculate the equilibrium internuclear distance $R_{\rm e}$, the dissociation energy $D_{\rm e }$ and the harmonic frequency $\omega _{\rm e}$ for the $X{}^{1}\Sigma^{ + }_{\rm g}$ state of sodium dimer in a number of basis sets. The conclusion is gained that the best $R_{\rm e}$, $D_{\rm e}$ and $\omega _{\rm e}$ results can be attained at the QCISD/6-311G(3df, 3pd) level of theory. The potential energy curve at this level of theory for this state is obtained over a wide internuclear separation range from 0.16 to 2.0 nm and is fitted to the analytic Murrell--Sorbie function. The spectroscopic parameters $D_{\rm e}$, $D_{0}$, $R_{\rm e}$, $\omega _{\rm e}$, $\omega _{\rm e}\chi _{\rm e}$, $\alpha _{\rm e}$ and $B_{\rm e}$ are calculated to be 0.7219 eV, 0.7135 eV, 0.31813 nm, 151.63 cm$^{ - 1}$, 0.7288 cm$^{ - 1}$, 0.000729 cm$^{ - 1}$ and 0.1449 cm$^{ - 1}$, respectively, which are in good agreement with the measurements. With the potential obtained at the QCISD/6-311G(3df,3pd) level of theory, a total of 63 vibrational states is found when $J=0$ by solving the radial Schr?dinger equation of nuclear motion. The vibrational level, corresponding classical turning point and inertial rotation constant are computed for each vibrational state. The centrifugal distortion constants ($D_{\upsilon } H_{\upsilon }$, $L_{\upsilon }$, $M_{\upsilon }$, $N_{\upsilon }$ and $O_{\upsilon })$ are reported for the first time for the first 31 vibrational states when $J=0$.
    Generation and concentration of atomic entangled state via adiabatic evolution
    Ye Sai-Yun(叶赛云)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2968-2972.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/025
    Abstract ( 1555 )   PDF (184KB) ( 516 )  
    Based on the idea of adiabatic evolution, we propose two probabilistic but simple schemes for generating maximally entangled states for two distant atoms and concentrating unknown atomic entangled states. Taking advantage of adiabatic passage, the atoms have no probability of being excited and thus the atomic spontaneous emission is suppressed. Furthermore, in the two schemes accurate adjustment of the interaction time is not required.
    Inversionless gain enhancing due to Doppler broadening in a closed lambda-type system
    Ma Hui(马慧), Tian Shu-Fen(田淑芬), Tan Xia(谭霞), Tong Dian-Min(仝殿民), and Fan Xi-Jun(樊锡君)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2973-2979.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/026
    Abstract ( 1398 )   PDF (586KB) ( 459 )  
    An analysis is made of the effect of Doppler broadening on gain without inversion (GWI) from different aspects in a closed lambda-type three-level system with an incoherent pump. It is shown that, regardless of the driving field being on resonance or not, for the counter- or co-propagating of the probe and driving fields (PDF), GWI does not monotonically decrease or increase with increasing Doppler width. Except for the case of counter-propagating PDF with off-resonance driving field, at a suitable Doppler width one can obtain a gain maximum value much larger than that without Doppler broadening; especially in the situation of the resonant driving field, the co-propagating geometry leads to a larger GWI. In addition, for the counter-propagating geometry, when Doppler width is larger enough, GWI oscillation occurs, and the oscillation amplitude and region increase with increasing Doppler width. These conclusions are very different from that obtained in previous investigation (Lukin et al, Laser Phys. 6 436 (1996)).
    Preparation of W state in resonant bimodal cavity quantum electrodynamics
    Jia Lian-Jun(贾连军) and Yang Zhen-Biao(杨贞标)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2980-2983.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/027
    Abstract ( 1436 )   PDF (97KB) ( 504 )  
    A scheme is proposed for generating entangled W states with four cavity modes. In this scheme, we send a V-type three-level atom through two identical two-mode cavities in succession. After the atom exits from the second cavity, the four cavity modes are prepared in the W state. On the other hand we can obtain three-atom W states by sending three V-type three-level atoms through a two-mode cavity in turn. The present scheme does not require conditional measurement, and it is easily generalized to preparing $2n$-mode W states and $n$-atom W states.
    Dressed multi-wave mixing in a V-type four-level atomic system
    Jiang Tong(姜彤), Zhang Yan-Peng(张彦鹏), Nie Zhi-Qiang(聂志强), Li Ling(李岭), Li Pei-Zhe(李沛哲), Shen Lei-Jian(沈磊剑), Fu Xin(傅鑫), Gan Chen-Li(甘琛利), Zhao Rong-Kuo(赵荣阔), Song Jian-Ping (宋建平), and Lu Ke-Qing(卢克清)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2984-2992.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/028
    Abstract ( 1273 )   PDF (728KB) ( 570 )  
    The dressed four- and six-wave mixings in a V-type four-level system are considered. Under two different dressed conditions, two- and three-photon resonant Autler--Townes splittings, accompanied by enhancement and suppression of wave mixing signal, are obtained analytically. Meanwhile, an electromagnetic induced transparency of multi-wave mixing is presented, which shows multiple peaks and asymmetric effects caused by one-photon, two-photon and three-photon resonances, separately. The slow light propagation multiple region of multi-wave mixing signal is also obtained.
    Realization of an efficient coherent combination via Michelson cavity
    Jia Xiu-Jie(贾秀杰), Liu Feng-Nian(刘丰年), Fu Sheng-Gui(付圣贵), Liu Yan-Ge(刘艳格), Yuan Shu-Zhong(袁树忠), and Dong Xiao-Yi(董孝义)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2993-2997.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/029
    Abstract ( 1398 )   PDF (604KB) ( 560 )  
    An intracavity coherent coupling Michelson erbium-doped fibre (EDF) laser (MCEDFL) is proposed and demonstrated. By using this laser system, we find a means to obtain a maximum power output at the same pumping power level. From the experiment based on fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) with different reflectivities from 6% to 100%, we find that the reflectivity of the FBG plays a vital role in improving the performance of the MCEDFL. At the same time, the MCEDFL with a polarizer can be coherently combined effectively. This type of system, in principle, is compatible with other more powerful pumping methods, such as cladding pumping, and brings some novel perspectives to the realization of high power lasers.
    Analytic approach to the small-signal frequency response of saturated semiconductor optical amplifiers using multisection model
    Zhou En-Bo(周恩波), Zhang Xin-Liang(张新亮), and Huang De-Xiu(黄德修)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  2998-3003.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/030
    Abstract ( 1780 )   PDF (496KB) ( 548 )  
    An analytic solution derived by multisection model to the small-signal frequency response (SSFR) of wavelength conversion based on cross-gain modulation (XGM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) is presented. The result contains details that can affect the characteristics of SSFR significantly more than previous ones.
    Oscillation of spatial solitons in a waveguide with a symmetrical refractive index profile
    Dong Liang-Wei(董亮伟), Jin Hong-Zhen(金洪震), and Wang Hui(王辉)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3004-3008.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/031
    Abstract ( 1340 )   PDF (676KB) ( 418 )  
    Dynamics of (1+1)D spatial solitons in a Kerr medium with a transversely symmetrical refractive index profile is investigated. Propagation of solitons is analysed theoretically by using an effective-particle approach. Analytical results show that the soliton oscillates periodically with a variable acceleration. The expression of oscillatory period is derived by introducing a concept of `average acceleration'. Both acceleration and oscillatory period are determined by the parameters of the input soliton and the waveguide. Propagations of solitons are simulated numerically and good agreement is obtained between the theoretical and numerical results.
    Effect of sheath potential on electromagnetic radiation emitted from the rear surface of a metallic foil target
    Zheng Jian(郑坚), Li Zhi-Chao(李志超), Zhang Hui(张辉), Yu Chang-Xuan(俞昌旋), Yabuuchi Toshinori(薮内俊毅), and Tanaka Kazuo(田中和夫)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3009-3015.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/032
    Abstract ( 1362 )   PDF (266KB) ( 497 )  
    In ultra-intense laser--matter interactions, intense electric fields formed at the rear surface of a foil target may have strong influences on the motion of energetic electrons, and thereby affect the electromagnetic emissions from the rear surface, usually ascribed to transition radiation. Due to the electric fields, transition radiation occurs twice and bremsstrahlung radiation also happens because the electrons will cross the rear surface twice and have large accelerations. In the optic region, transition radiation is dominant. The radiation spectrum depends on the electric field only when the electrons are monochromatic, and becomes independent of the electric field when the electrons have a broadband momentum distribution. Therefore, in an actual experiment, the electric field at the rear surface of a foil could not be studied just with the measurement of optic emissions. In the terahertz region, both bremsstrahlung and transition radiations should be taken into account, and the radiation power could be enhanced in comparison with that without the inclusion of bremsstrahlung radiation. The frequency at which the maximum terahertz radiation appears depends on the electric field.
    Study on the transition from filamentary discharge to diffuse discharge by using a dielectric barrier surface discharge device
    Li Xue-Chen(李雪辰), Liu Zhi-Hui(刘志辉), Jia Peng-Ying(贾鹏英), Li Li-Chun(李立春), Yin Zeng-Qian(尹增谦), and Dong Li-Fang(董丽芳)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3016-3021.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/033
    Abstract ( 1344 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 675 )  
    Discharge characteristics have been investigated in different gases under different pressures using a dielectric barrier surface discharge device. Electrical measurements and optical emission spectroscopy are used to study the discharge, and the results obtained show that the discharges in atmospheric pressure helium and in low-pressure air are diffuse, while that in high-pressure air is filamentary. With decreasing pressure, the discharge in air can transit from filamentary to diffuse one. The results also indicate that corona discharge around the stripe electrode is important for the diffuse discharge. The spectral intensity of N$_2^+$ (391.4 nm) relative to N$_{2}$ (337.1 nm) is measured during the transition from diffuse to filamentary discharge. It is shown that relative spectral intensity increases during the discharge transition. This phenomenon implies that the averaged electron energy in diffuse discharge is higher than that in the filamentary discharge.
    SIR phasing by combination of SOLVE/RESOLVE and dual-space fragment extension involving OASIS
    He Yao(何尧), Gu Yuan-Xin(古元新), Lin Zheng-Jiong(林政炯), Zheng Chao-De(郑朝德), and Fan Hai-Fu(范海福)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3022-3028.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/034
    Abstract ( 1304 )   PDF (1373KB) ( 306 )  
    A new phasing procedure has been proposed for dealing with single isomorphous replacement (SIR) x-ray diffraction data. The procedure combines SOLVE/RESOLVE with the dual-space fragment extension involving OASIS. Two sets of SIR data at 0.28 nm resolution taken from the protein (R)-phycoerythrin (PDB code: 1LIA) were used in the test. For one of the two SIR data sets, a default run of SOLVE/RESOLVE based on the heavy-atom substructure found by SHLEXD led automatically to an interpretable electron density map. OASIS could not effectively improve the result. For the other set of SIR data, SOLVE/RESOLVE resulted in a fragmented model consisting of 454 of the total 668 residues, in which only 29 residues were docked into the sequence. Based on this model, 7 iteration cycles of OASIS-DM-RESOLVE (build only) yielded automatically a model of 547 residues with 133 residues docked into the sequence. The overall-averaged phase error decreased considerably and the quality of electron density map was improved significantly. Two more cycles of iterative OASIS-DM-RESOLVE were carried out, in which the output phases and figures of merit from DM were merged with that from the original run of SOLVE/RESOLVE before they were passed onto RESOLVE (build only). This led automatically to a model containing 452 residues with 173 docked into the sequence. The resultant electron density map is manually traceable. It is concluded that when results of  SOLVE/RESOLVE are not sufficiently satisfactory, the combination of SOLVE/RESOLVE and OASIS-DM-RESOLVE (build only) may significantly improve them.
    Simulation of multilayer Cu/Pd(100) heteroepitaxial growth by pulse laser deposition
    Wu Feng-Min(吴锋民), Lu Hang-Jun(陆杭军), Fang Yun-Zhang(方允樟), and Huang Shi-Hua(黄仕华)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3029-3035.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/035
    Abstract ( 1413 )   PDF (3395KB) ( 1552 )  
    The heteroepitaxial growth of multilayer Cu/Pd(100) thin film via pulse laser deposition (PLD) at room temperature is simulated by using kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method with realistic physical parameters. The effects of mass transport between interlayers, edge diffusion of adatoms along the islands and instantaneous deposition are considered in the simulation model. Emphasis is placed on revealing the details of multilayer Cu/Pd(100) thin film growth and estimating the Ehrlich--Schwoebel (ES) barrier. It is shown that the instantaneous deposition in the PLD growth gives rise to the layer-by-layer growth mode, persisting up to about 9 monolayers (ML) of Cu/Pd(100). The ES barriers of $0.08\pm0.01$ eV is estimated by comparing the KMC simulation results with the real scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurements.
    A study on the microwave responses of YBCO and TBCCO thin films by coplanar resonator technique
    Shi Li-Bin(史力斌), Wang Yun-Fei(王云飞), Ke Yu-Yang(柯于洋), Zhang Guo-Hua(张国华), Luo Sheng(罗胜), Zhang Xue-Qiang(张雪强), Li Chun-Guang(李春光), Li Hong(黎红), and He Yu-Sheng(何豫生)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3036-3041.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/036
    Abstract ( 1574 )   PDF (783KB) ( 634 )  
    YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO) thin films have been prepared by thermal coevaporation on LaAlO3(LAO) substrates, and Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8(TBCCO) thin films are synthesized by magnetron sputtering method on LAO substrates. The transition temperature Tc is 90 K for YBCO/LAO and 104 K for TBCCO/LAO. Microwave responses of the films are studied systematically by coplanar resonator technique. Energy gaps of the films obtained are ${\it\Delta}_0=1.04k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c} $ for YBCO films and ${\it\Delta}_0=0.84k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c} $ for TBCCO films by analysing the temperature dependence of resonant frequencies of coplanar resonator. Penetration depth at 0 K $\lambda _0 =198$ nm for YBCO films and $\lambda _0 =200$ nm for TBCCO films could also be obtained by using the weak coupling theory and two fluid theory. Results of penetration depth and energy gap confirm the weak coupling properties of the films. In addition, microwave surface resistances Rs of YBCO/LAO and TBCCO/LAO are also investigated by analysing the quality factor and insert loss of the coplanar resonator. Surface resistance of TBCCO/LAO is less than that of YBCO/LAO, so that TBCCO/LAO films may have more potential applications.
    First principles studies on the electronic structures of LiMxFe1-xPO4 (M=Co, Ni and Rh)
    Ouyang Xiao-Fang(欧阳小芳), Shi Si-Qi(施思齐), Ouyang Chu-Ying(欧阳楚英), Jiang Di-You(姜迪友), Liu De-Sheng(刘德生), Ye Zhi-Qing(叶志清), and Lei Min-Sheng(雷敏生)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3042-3045.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/037
    Abstract ( 1237 )   PDF (530KB) ( 628 )  
    The local crystal structures and electronic structures of LiMxFe1-xPO4 $(M$ = Co, Ni, Rh) are studied through first-principles calculations. The lattice constants and unit cell volumes are smaller for the Co and Ni doped materials than for pure LiFePO$_{4}$, while larger than for the Rh doped material. The local structures around $M$ atoms in the doped materials are studied in details. The total density of states (DOS) and atomic projected DOS (PDOS) are all calculated and analysed in detail. The results give a reasonable prediction to the improvement of electronic conductivity through Fe-site doping in LiFePO4 material.
    First-principles calculations of structural and thermodynamic properties of BeB2 compound
    Wang Yan-Ju(王艳菊), Tan Jia-Jin(谭嘉进), Wang Yong-Liang(王永亮), and Chen Xiang-Rong(陈向荣)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3046-3051.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/038
    Abstract ( 1455 )   PDF (596KB) ( 586 )  
    The lattice parameter, bulk modulus and pressure derivative of BeB2 are calculated by using the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP) program in the frame of density function theory. The calculated results agree well with the average experimental data and other theoretical results. Through the quasi-harmonic Debye model, the dependences of the normalized lattice parameters $a/a_{0}, c/c0 and the normalized primitive cell volume V/V0 on pressure $P$, the variation of the thermal expansion coefficient $\alpha $ with pressure $P$ and temperature $T$, as well as the dependences of the heat capacity CV on pressure $P$ and temperature $T$ are obtained systematically.
    Coherent excitons at different orientation arrangements of local transition dipole moments in circular light-harvesting complexes
    Chu Qian-Jin(储谦谨), Yin Hua-Wei(尹华伟), and Weng Yu-Xiang(翁羽翔)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3052-3058.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/039
    Abstract ( 1504 )   PDF (271KB) ( 457 )  
    The coherent exciton plays an important role in the photosynthetic primary process, and its functions are deeply dependent on the orientation arrangements of local transition dipole moments (TDMs). We theoretically and systematically study the physical property of the coherent exciton at different orientation arrangements of the local TDMs in circular light-harvesting (LH) complexes. Especially, if the orientation arrangements are different, the delocalized TDMs of the coherent excitons and the energy locations of the optically active coherent excitons (OACEs) can be obviously different, and then there are more manners to capture, store and transfer light energy in and between LH complexes. Similarly, if the orientation arrangements are altered, light absorption and radiative intensities can be converted fully between the OACEs in the upper and lower coherent exciton bands, and then the blue and red shifts of the absorption and radiative bands of the pigment molecules can occur simultaneously at some orientation arrangements. If the systems are in the vicinities of the critical orientation arrangements, the weak static disorder or small thermal excitation can destroy the coherent electronic excitations, and then the coherent exciton cannot exist any more.
    On the possibility of self-trapping transition of acoustic polarons in two dimensions
    Hou Jun-Hua(侯俊华) and Liang Xi-Xia(梁希侠)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3059-3066.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/040
    Abstract ( 1280 )   PDF (777KB) ( 518 )  
    A 2D electron-longitudinal-acoustic-phonon interaction Hamiltonian is derived and used to calculate the ground-state energy of the acoustic polarons in two dimensions. The numerical results for the ground-state energy of the acoustic polarons in two and three dimensions are obtained. The 3D results agree with those obtained by using the Feynman path-integral approach. It is found that the critical coupling constant of the transition from the quasifree state to the self-trapped state in the 2D case is much smaller than in the 3D case for a given cutoff wave-vector. The theory has been used to judge the possibility of the self-trapping for several real materials. The results indicate that the self-trappings of the electrons in AlN and the holes in AlN and GaN are expected to be observed in 2D systems.
    The choosing of reproducing kernel particle shape function with mathematic proof
    Xia Mao-Hui(夏茂辉) and Li Jin(李金)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3067-3071.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/041
    Abstract ( 1330 )   PDF (116KB) ( 361 )  
    Many mechanical problems can be induced from differential equations with boundary conditions; there exist analytic and numerical methods for solving the differential equations. Usually it is not so easy to obtain analytic solutions. So it is necessary to give numerical solutions. The reproducing kernel particle (RKP) method is based on the Garlerkin Meshless method. According to the Sobolev space and Fourier transform, the RKP shape function is mathematically proved in this paper.
    Proximity effects in normal mental/spin-splitting material/superconductor junctions
    Yu Hua-Ling(郁华玲) and Dong Zheng-Chao(董正超)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3072-3079.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/042
    Abstract ( 1330 )   PDF (454KB) ( 523 )  
    We extend the Blonder, Tinkham and Klapwijk (BTK) theory to the study of the coexistence between ferromagnetism and s-wave superconductivity in ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S) structures. It is found that the ferromagnetism and s-wave superconductivity can coexist near the F/S interface, which is induced by proximity effects. On the F side, the density of states (DOS) exhibits some superconducting-like properties, and it displays a damped oscillation from `0' to `$\pi$' states with increasing either the thickness of F film or the exchange energy. We also study the influences of the spin-polarized exchange splitting in the F and the spin-degeneracy by Rashba spin--orbit coupling (RSOC) in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DGE) on the proximity effects. It is shown that the case of Rashba spin-degeneracy is very different from that of the spin-polarized exchange splitting.
    The electron transport characters in a nanostructure with the periodic magnetic-electric barriers
    Lu Jian-Duo(卢建夺), Shao Liang(邵亮), Hou Yang-Lai(侯阳来), and Dai Hou-Mei(戴厚梅)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3080-2086.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/043
    Abstract ( 1158 )   PDF (1297KB) ( 537 )  
    This paper detailedly studies the transmission probability, the spin polarization and the conductance of the ballistic electron in a nanostructure with the periodic magnetic-electric barriers. These observable quantities are found to be strongly dependent not only on the magnetic configuration, the incident electron energy and the incident wave vector, but also on the number of the periodic magnetic-electric barriers. The transmission coefficient and the spin polarization show a periodic pattern with the increase of the separation between two adjacent magnetic fields, and the resonance splitting increases as the number of periods increases. Surprisingly, it is found that a polarization can be achieved by spin-dependent resonant tunnelling in this structure, although the average magnetic field of the structure is zero.
    Magnetotransport in a dual waveguide coupled by a finite barrier: Energy filter and directional coupler
    Xie Yue-E(谢月娥), Chen Yuan-Ping(陈元平), and Yan Xiao-Hong(颜晓红)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3087-3092.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/044
    Abstract ( 1336 )   PDF (437KB) ( 473 )  
    We propose in this paper that a dual waveguide coupled by a finite barrier be able to serve as an energy filter under a perpendicular magnetic field. In the waveguide direction, the conductance exhibits a periodic square-wave pattern in which the miniband is controlled by the magnetic and potential modulation. The electrons with energies in the miniband can completely transfer along one waveguide while the other electrons undergo filtration. Compared with the coupled waveguide without magnetic modulation, the structure under magnetic field is found to be a good directional coupler. By adjusting the potential barrier and magnetic field, the electrons input from one port of waveguide can transfer to any other ports.
    The quantum Kirchhoff equation and quantum current and energy spectrum of a homogeneous mesoscopic dissipation transmission line
    Cui Yuan-Shun(崔元顺)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3093-3096.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/045
    Abstract ( 1434 )   PDF (105KB) ( 484 )  
    On the basis of quantization of charge, the loop equations of quantum circuits are investigated by using the Heisenberg motion equation for a mesoscopic dissipation transmission line. On the supposition that the system has a symmetry under translation in charge space, the quantum current and the quantum energy spectrum in the mesoscopic transmission line are given by solving their eigenvalue equations. Results show that the quantum current and the quantum energy spectrum are not only related to the parameters of the transmission line, but also dependent on the quantized character of the charge obviously.
    Quantization of the double-qubit structure and quantum computation
    Liang Bao-Long(梁宝龙) and Wang Ji-Suo(王继锁)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3097-3103.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/046
    Abstract ( 1392 )   PDF (150KB) ( 533 )  
    The quantization scheme of a double-qubit structure with superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) is given. By introducing unitary matrices and using spectral decompositions, the Hamiltonian operator of the system is exactly formulated in compact forms in spin-1/2 notation. A scheme of designing controlled-phase-shift (CPS) gates is also proposed by using this circuit system.
    Effect of STI-induced mechanical stress on leakage current in deep submicron CMOS devices
    Li Rui(李睿), Yu Liu-Jiang(俞柳江), Dong Ye-Min(董业民), and Wang Ching-Dong(王庆东)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3104-3107.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/047
    Abstract ( 1767 )   PDF (514KB) ( 2097 )  
    The shallow trench isolation (STI) induced mechanical stress significantly affects the CMOS device off-state leakage behaviour. In this paper, we designed two types of devices to investigate this effect, and all leakage components, including sub-threshold leakage ($I_{\rm sub})$, gate-induced-drain-leakage ($I_{\rm GIDL})$, gate edge-direct-tunnelling leakage ($I_{\rm EDT})$ and band-to-band-tunnelling leakage ($I_{\rm BTBT})$ were analysed. For NMOS, $I_{\rm sub}$ can be reduced due to the mechanical stress induced higher boron concentration in well region. However, the GIDL component increases simultaneously as a result of the high well concentration induced drain-to-well depletion layer narrowing as well as the shrinkage of the energy gap. For PMOS, the only mechanical stress effect on leakage current is the energy gap narrowing induced GIDL increase.
    Preparation, structural and electrical properties of zinc oxide grown on silicon nanoporous pillar array
    Yao Zhi-Tao(姚志涛), Sun Xin-Rui(孙新瑞), Xu Hai-Jun(许海军), and Li Xin-Jian(李新建)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3108-3113.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/048
    Abstract ( 1229 )   PDF (944KB) ( 670 )  
    Polycrystalline thick film of zinc oxide (ZnO) is grown on a unique silicon substrate with a hierarchical structure, silicon nanoporous pillar array (Si-NPA), by using a vapour phase transport method. It is found that as-grown ZnO film is composed of closely packed ZnO crystallites with an average size of $\sim$$10\mu$m. The film resistivity of ZnO/Si-NPA is measured to be $\sim$$8.9\Omega\cdot$cm by the standard four probe method. The lengthwise $I$-$V$ curve of ZnO/Si-NPA heterostructure is measured. Theoretical analysis shows that the carrier transport across ZnO/Si-NPA heterojunction is dominated by two mechanisms, i.e. a thermionic process at high voltages and a quantum tunnelling process at low voltages.
    Comparison of hot-hole injections in ultrashort channel LDD nMOSFETs with ultrathin oxide under an alternating stress
    Chen Hai-Feng(陈海峰), Hao Yue(郝跃), Ma Xiao-Hua(马晓华), Cao Yan-Rong(曹艳荣), Gao Zhi-Yuan(高志远), and Gong Xin(龚欣)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3114-3119.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/049
    Abstract ( 1321 )   PDF (947KB) ( 572 )  
    The behaviours of three types of hot-hole injections in ultrashort channel lightly doped drain (LDD) nMOSFETs with ultrathin oxide under an alternating stress have been compared. The three types of hot-hole injections, i.e. low gate voltage hot hole injection (LGVHHI), gate-induced drain leakage induced hot-hole injection (GIDLIHHI) and substrate hot-hole injection (SHHI), have different influences on the devices damaged already by the previous hot electron injection (HEI) because of the different locations of trapping holes and interface states induced by the three types of injections, i.e. three types of stresses. Experimental results show that GIDLIHHI and LGVHHI cannot recover the degradation of electron trapping, but SHHI can. Although SHHI can recover the device's performance, the recovery is slight and reaches saturation quickly, which is suggested here to be attributed to the fact that trapped holes are too few and the equilibrium is reached between the trapping and releasing of holes which can be set up quickly in the ultrathin oxide.
    Rotation of ferromagnetic clusters induced magnetoresistance in the junction composed of La0.9Ca0.1MnO3+$\delta$ and 1 wt.% Nb-doped SrTiO3
    Xie Yan-Wu(谢燕武), Wang Deng-Jing (王登京), Shen Bao-Gen(沈保根), and Sun Ji-Rong(孙继荣)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3120-3124.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/050
    Abstract ( 1374 )   PDF (806KB) ( 438 )  
    A junction composed of ultrathin La0.9Ca0.1MnO3 +$\delta$ (LCMO) film and 1 wt.% Nb-doped SrTiO$_{3}$ was fabricated and its magnetoresistance (MR) was studied and compared with LCMO film. It was found that the resistance of the junction has a similar dependence on magnetic field as that of the LCMO film: the curvature of $R$--$H$ curves is upward above Curie temperature ($T_{\rm C}$) and downward below $T_{\rm C}$. These behaviours strongly suggest that the rotation of ferromagnetic clusters in manganite also causes MR in the corresponding junction. This MR can be qualitatively understood by the change of the width of the barrier induced by the rotation of ferromagnetic clusters. These results suggest a possibility to obtain junctions with large low-field MR.
    Ferroelectric behaviour of 30nm BaTiO3 ceramics prepared by high pressure assisted sintering
    Xiao Chang-Jiang(肖长江), Chi Zhen-Hua(迟振华), Li Feng-Ying(李凤英), Feng Shao-Min(冯少敏), Jin Chang-Qing(靳常青), Wang Xiao-Hui(王晓慧), Deng Xiang-Yun(邓湘云), and Li Long-Tu(李龙土)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3125-3128.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/051
    Abstract ( 1209 )   PDF (737KB) ( 501 )  
    Dense nanocrystalline BaTiO3 ceramics with a homogeneous grain size of 30 nm was obtained by pressure assisted sintering. The ferroelectric behaviour of the ceramics was characterized by the dielectric peak at around 120℃, the $P$-$E$ hysteresis loop and some ferroelectric domains. These experimental results indicate that the critical grain size for the disappearance of ferroelectricity in nanocrystalline BaTiO3 ceramics fabricated by pressure assisted sintering is below 30 nm. The ferroelectric property decreasing with decreasing grain size can be explained by the lowered tetragonality and the `dilution' effect of grain boundaries.
    Synthesis and characterization of Ca2Sn1-xCexO4 with blue luminescence originating from Ce4+ charge transfer transition
    Fu Shi-Liu(符史流), Yin Tao(尹涛), and Chai Fei(柴飞)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3129-3133.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/052
    Abstract ( 1394 )   PDF (409KB) ( 935 )  
    Ce4+-doped Ca2SnO$_{4}$ with a one-dimensional structure, which emits bright blue light, is prepared by using a solid-state reaction method. The x-ray diffraction results show that the Ce4+ ions doped in Ca$_{2}$SnO$_{4}$ occupy the Sn4+ sites. The excitation and emission spectra of Ca$_{2}$Sn$_{1-x}$Ce$_{x}$O$_{4}$ appear to have broad bands with peaks at $\sim$ 268 nm and $\sim$ 442 nm, respectively. A long excited-state lifetime ($\sim$ 83 $\mu$s) for the emission from Ca$_{2}$Sn$_{1-x}$Ce$_{x}$O$_{4}$ suggests that the luminescence originates from a ligand-to-metal Ce4+ charge transfer (CT). The luminescent properties of Ca$_{2}$Sn$_{1 - x}$Ce$_{x}$O$_{4}$ have been compared with those of Sr$_{2}$CeO$_{4}$, which is the only material reported so far to show Ce$^{4 + }$ CT luminescence. More interestingly, it is observed that the emission intensity of Ca$_{2}$Sn$_{1 - x}$Ce$_{x}$O$_{4}$ with a small doping concentration (x $\sim$ 0.03) is comparable to that of Sr$_{2}$CeO$_{4}$ in which the concentration of active centre is 100%.
    Spectroscopic study of local thermal effect in transparent glass ceramics containing nanoparticles
    Gao Dang-Li(高当丽), Zhang Xiang-Yu(张翔宇), and Zheng Hai-Rong(郑海荣)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3134-3137.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/053
    Abstract ( 1283 )   PDF (244KB) ( 496 )  
    Local thermal effect influencing the fluorescence of triply ionized rare earth ions doped in nanocrystals is studied with laser spectroscopy and theory of thermal transportation for transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics containing nanocrystals. The result shows that the local temperature of the nanocrystals embedded in glass matrices is much higher than the environmental temperature of the sample. It is suggested that the temperature-dependent thermal energy induced by the light absorption must be considered when the theory of thermal transportation is applied to the study of local thermal effect.
    Brownian dynamics simulation of two confined colloidal particles
    He Dong-Hui(何冬慧), Yang Tao(杨涛), Li Wei-Hua(李卫华), Zhang Qing-Lan(张磬兰), and Ma Hong-Ru(马红孺)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3138-3145.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/054
    Abstract ( 866 )   PDF (731KB) ( 562 )  
    The dynamics of two confined colloidal particles is studied by means of Brownian dynamics simulation. The autocorrelation function and cross-correlation function of the two colloidal spheres are computed by utilizing the formulae of hydrodynamic diffusion matrix expanded to different orders, as well as the accurate tensor through numerical algorithm. Furthermore, the numerical results are compared with the experimental results and the theoretical approximation. It is found that the relatively simple theoretical approximation gives good predictions when two spheres are far away from each other, but fails when the two spheres are very close.
    Nuclear statistical equilibrium at core-collapse supernova
    Liu Men-Quan(刘门全), Zhang Jie(张洁), and Luo Zhi-Quan(罗志全)
    Chinese Physics, 2007, 16 (10):  3146-3149.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/10/055
    Abstract ( 1503 )   PDF (260KB) ( 546 )  
    A new improved nuclear partition function is employed to calculate the nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) in core-collapse supernova environment. The results show that the change of nucleus abundance is slight even though the temperature is higher than 10$^{11}$ K when shock propagates, which indicates that the effect of the nuclear partition function is not so important as shown in the previous calculations, but it can also be considered in detailed simulation if it is sensitive to weak interaction rates in core-collapse supernova.
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4
, Vol. 16, No. 10

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