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Chin. Phys. B, 2023, Vol. 32(3): 034206    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac873e

Continuous-wave optical enhancement cavity with 30-kW average power

Xing Liu(柳兴)1, Xin-Yi Lu(陆心怡)1, Huan Wang(王焕)1, Li-Xin Yan(颜立新)1,†, Ren-Kai Li(李任恺)1, Wen-Hui Huang(黄文会)1, Chuan-Xiang Tang(唐传祥)1, Ronic Chiche2, and Fabian Zomer2
1 Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2 Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN3 P3, IJCLab, 91405 Orsay, France
Abstract  Optical enhancement cavity (OEC) is a powerful tool for fundamental research and diagnostics. In this paper, the progress of a continuous-wave OEC to realize of megawatt cavity for a novel light source based on a steady-state microbunching (SSMB) mechanism, is reported. After efficiently suppressing all external noise and optimizing the alignment, mode-matching, and polarization matching, stable and long-term locking is achieved with the help of two feedback loops. The modal instability phenomenon caused by the surface thermoelastic deformation is observed. A pair of D-shape mirrors are utilized to remove the high-order modes. Finally, an intra-cavity average power of 30 kW is reached.
Keywords:  optical enhancement cavity      continuous-wave laser      modal instability      high power cavity  
Received:  26 July 2022      Revised:  05 August 2022      Accepted manuscript online:  05 August 2022
PACS:  42.60.Da (Resonators, cavities, amplifiers, arrays, and rings)  
  42.60.-v (Laser optical systems: design and operation)  
  42.60.Fc (Modulation, tuning, and mode locking)  
Fund: Project supported by the Fund from Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, China (Grant No. 20191081195).
Corresponding Authors:  Li-Xin Yan     E-mail:

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Xing Liu(柳兴), Xin-Yi Lu(陆心怡), Huan Wang(王焕), Li-Xin Yan(颜立新), Ren-Kai Li(李任恺), Wen-Hui Huang(黄文会), Chuan-Xiang Tang(唐传祥), Ronic Chiche, and Fabian Zomer Continuous-wave optical enhancement cavity with 30-kW average power 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 034206

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