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Chin. Phys. B, 2011, Vol. 20(5): 054103    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/5/054103

Photon tunneling and transmittance resonance through a multi-layer structure with a left-handed material

He Ying (何英), Zhang Xia (张霞), Yang Yan-Fang (杨艳芳), Li Chun-Fang (李春芳)
Department of physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Abstract  This paper investigates the photon tunneling and transmittance resonance through a multi-layer structure including a left-handed material(LHM). An analytical expression for the transmittance in a five-layer structure is given by the analytical transfer matrix method. The transmittance is studied as a function of the refractive index and the width of the LHM layer. The perfect photon tunneling results from the multi-layer structure, especially from the relation between the magnitude of the refractive index and the width of the LHM layer and those of the adjoining layers. Photons may tunnel through a much greater distance in this structure. Transmittance resonance happens, the peaks and valleys appear periodically at the resonance thickness. For an LHM with inherent losses, the perfect transmittance is suppressed.
Keywords:  left-handed material      photon tunneling      transmittance resonance      analytical transfer matrix method  
Received:  29 April 2010      Revised:  22 October 2010      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  41.20.Jb (Electromagnetic wave propagation; radiowave propagation)  
  78.20.Ci (Optical constants (including refractive index, complex dielectric constant, absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients, emissivity))  
  42.70.Qs (Photonic bandgap materials)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60877055 and 60806041) and the Innovation Funds for Graduates of Shanghai University, China (Grant No. SHUCX102016).

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He Ying (何英), Zhang Xia (张霞), Yang Yan-Fang (杨艳芳), Li Chun-Fang (李春芳) Photon tunneling and transmittance resonance through a multi-layer structure with a left-handed material 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 054103

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