Constructing infinite sequence exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations
Taogetusang(套格图桑)a)b)† and Narenmandula(那仁满都拉)c)
a College of Mathematics, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028043, China; b College of Mathematical Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010022, China; c College of Physics and Electronics, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao 028043, China
Abstract To construct the infinite sequence new exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations and study the first kind of elliptic function, new solutions and the corresponding Bäcklund transformation of the equation are presented. Based on this, the generalized pentavalent KdV equation and the breaking soliton equation are chosen as applicable examples and infinite sequence smooth soliton solutions, infinite sequence peak solitary wave solutions and infinite sequence compact soliton solutions are obtained with the help of symbolic computation system Mathematica. The method is of significance to search for infinite sequence new exact solutions to other nonlinear evolution equations.
Received: 13 May 2011
Revised: 14 June 2011
Accepted manuscript online:
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10862003), the Science Research Foundation
of Institution of Higher Education of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. NJZZ07031), and the Natural Science
Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. 2010MS0111).
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Taogetusang(套格图桑) and Narenmandula(那仁满都拉) Constructing infinite sequence exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 110203
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