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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(7): 2853-2857    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/7/038

Variational solutions for Hermite--Gaussian solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media

Bai Dong-Feng(白东峰), Huang Chang-Chun(黄长春), He Jun-Feng(贺军峰), and Wang Yi(王毅)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473009, China
Abstract  The physical features exhibited by Hermite--Gaussian (HG) beams propagating in nonlocal nonlinear media with Gaussian-shaped response are discussed with an approximate variational method. Using direct numerical simulations, we find that the beam properties in the normalized system are different with the change of the degree of nonlocality. It is shown that initial HG profiles break up into several individual beams with propagation when the degree of nonlocality $\alpha$ is small. HG beams can propagate stably when $\alpha$ is large enough.
Keywords:  nonlocal nonlinear media      variational approach      Hermite--Gaussian solitons  
Received:  03 January 2008      Revised:  14 January 2009      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.65.Tg (Optical solitons; nonlinear guided waves)  
  02.30.Xx (Calculus of variations)  

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Bai Dong-Feng(白东峰), Huang Chang-Chun(黄长春), He Jun-Feng(贺军峰), and Wang Yi(王毅) Variational solutions for Hermite--Gaussian solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2853

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