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Chinese Physics, 2005, Vol. 14(1): 137-143    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/1/025

Effect of an external radiation field on the properties of the atoms and cavity field in the two-atom Tavis-Cummings model

Wang Zhong-Chun (王忠纯)ab, Wang Qi (王琪)ac, Zhang Yong-Sheng (张永生)b, Guo Guang-Can (郭光灿)b
a Department of Physics, Yancheng Teachers College, Yancheng 224002, China; b Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China; c College of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdou 610054, China
Abstract  We study the properties of atoms and cavity field in the two-atom Tavis--Cummings model where the two atoms interact with each other and are also driven by an external classical field. We consider the special case that the cavity is initially in a coherent state. The atomic inversion, the average photons number and the Mandel parameter in the driven Tavis--Cummings model are given and analysed numerically. We pay special attention to the dynamical behaviour of the atoms and the cavity field modified by the external field.
Keywords:  Tavis--Cummings model      classical driving field      dipole--dipole interaction      quantum prop-erty  
Received:  26 May 2004      Revised:  20 September 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  4250  
Fund: Project supported by the National Fundamental Research Programme (Grant No 2001CB309300), Natural Science Research Fund of the Jiangsu Education Commission of China (Grant No 03KJD140240)

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Wang Zhong-Chun (王忠纯), Wang Qi (王琪), Zhang Yong-Sheng (张永生), Guo Guang-Can (郭光灿) Effect of an external radiation field on the properties of the atoms and cavity field in the two-atom Tavis-Cummings model 2005 Chinese Physics 14 137

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