Radiation loss in a compound plasma system with high and low temperature regions
Cheng Fa-Yin (程发银)a, Tomonori Takizukab, Nobuhiko Hayashib, Shi Bing-Ren (石秉仁)a
a Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, China; b Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ibaraki 311-01, Japan
Abstract A code has been developed for calculating the non-coronal radiation of impurity in a compound plasma system which consists of high and low temperature regions. The radiation loss of impurity carbon in this system is calculated and analysed. The cooling rate in this system is smaller than that in a homogeneous plasma system due to the particle exchange between the two regions of the system. The volumetric radiation is much bigger in the low temperature region than in the high temperature region because of the relatively low temperature and high electron density, despite the much smaller volume.
Received: 16 March 2004
Revised: 04 June 2004
Accepted manuscript online:
Cheng Fa-Yin (程发银), Tomonori Takizuka, Nobuhiko Hayashi, Shi Bing-Ren (石秉仁) Radiation loss in a compound plasma system with high and low temperature regions 2004 Chinese Physics 13 1902
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