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Chinese Physics, 2001, Vol. 10(13): 195-205    DOI:


Xu Shi-fa (许世发)a, Zhu Xing (朱星)a, Zhou He-tian (周赫田)a, Shen Yu-min (沈玉民)a, Fei Teng (费滕)a, Zhang Yu (张宇)a, Yin Yan (尹彦)a, Zhang Bei (张蓓)a, Dai Lun (戴伦)a, Liu Xiao-ling (刘晓玲)b, Hu Jian-cheng (胡建成)b, Lu Ping (卢萍)b, Zhai Zhong-he (翟中和)b
a State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; b College of Life Sciences Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract  The research on the setup and application of scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) performed in our laboratory is reviewed in this report. We have constructed a versatile low temperature scanning near-field optical microscope with the capability of near-field imaging and spectroscopy, operating at liquid nitrogen temperature. A special designed coaxial double lens was used to introduce the illumination beam through a 200μm fiber; the detected optical signal was transmitted via a fiber tip to an avalanche photon detector. The performance test shows the stability of the new design. The shear force image and optical image of a standard sample are shown. A system of SNOM working at room temperature and atmosphere was used to characterize semiconductors and bio-molecular samples. It revealed the unique features of semiconductor microdisks in the near-field that is significantly different from that of far-field. The effects of different geographic microstructures on the near-field light distribution of InGaP, GaN, and InGaN multi-quantum-well microdisk were observed.
Keywords:  near-field optics      scanning near-field optical microscope      microdisk      HeLa cells  
Received:  28 March 2001      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  0779  

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Xu Shi-fa (许世发), Zhu Xing (朱星), Zhou He-tian (周赫田), Shen Yu-min (沈玉民), Fei Teng (费滕), Zhang Yu (张宇), Yin Yan (尹彦), Zhang Bei (张蓓), Dai Lun (戴伦), Liu Xiao-ling (刘晓玲), Hu Jian-cheng (胡建成), Lu Ping (卢萍), Zhai Zhong-he (翟中和) SETUP AND APPLICATION OF SCANNING NEAR-FIELD OPTICAL MICROSCOPY 2001 Chinese Physics 10 195

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