Abstract A systematic investigation of structure and magnetic properties of the new R3Fe29-xCrx compounds(R=Y,Ce,Nd,Sm,Gd, Tb,and Dy)has been performed. The Curie temperature of R3Fe29-xCrx increased with increasing atomic number from R=Ce to Gd and de creased from Gd to Dy. The saturation magnetization of R3Fe29-xCrx at 4.2 K decreased gradually with increasing atomic number from R=Y to Dy,except for Ce. The spin reorientations of the easy magnetization direction were observed at around 230 K for Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5 and 180 K for Tb3Fe28.0Cr1.0, and the magnetohistory effects were obser ved for Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5 and Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0 in a low field of about 0.04 T. First order magnetization process occurs in magnetic field of around 2.3 T at room temperature for Tb3Fe28.0Cr1.0. The saturation magnetization of Y3Fe27.2Cr1.8 at 4.2 K is 52.2μB/f.u., which corresponds to an average magnetic moment of 1.92μB per each Fe atom.
Received: 24 July 1996
Revised: 15 August 1996
Accepted manuscript online:
(Magnetic phase boundaries (including classical and quantum magnetic transitions, metamagnetism, etc.))
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundati on of China and in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
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HAN XIU-FENG (韩秀峰), YANG FU-MING (杨伏明), LIU HONG-LI (刘洪利), PAN HONG-GE (潘洪革) FORMATION AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF NEW COMPOUNDS R3Fe29-xCrx(R=Y,Ce,Nd,Sm,Gd,Tb,and Dy) 1997 Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 6 445
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