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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(7): 070204    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad3dca
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Bipartite consensus problems of Lurie multi-agent systems over signed graphs: A contraction approach

Xiaojiao Zhang(张晓娇)1,† and Xiang Wu(吴祥))2
1 School of Mathematics and Information Science, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang 330032, China;
2 School of Mathematical Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Abstract  This paper examines the bipartite consensus problems for the nonlinear multi-agent systems in Lurie dynamics form with cooperative and competitive communication between different agents. Based on the contraction theory, some new conditions for the nonlinear Lurie multi-agent systems reaching bipartite leaderless consensus and bipartite tracking consensus are presented. Compared with the traditional methods, this approach degrades the dimensions of the conditions, eliminates some restrictions of the system matrix, and extends the range of the nonlinear function. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the efficiency of our results.
Keywords:  contraction theory      virtual system      bipartite consensus      Lurie multi-agent systems  
Received:  10 January 2024      Revised:  29 March 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  12 April 2024
PACS:  02.30.Yy (Control theory)  
  05.45.Xt (Synchronization; coupled oscillators)  
  89.75.-k (Complex systems)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62363005), the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 20161BAB212032 and 20232BAB202034), and the Science and Technology Research Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education (Grant Nos. GJJ202602 and GJJ202601).
Corresponding Authors:  Xiaojiao Zhang     E-mail:

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Xiaojiao Zhang(张晓娇) and Xiang Wu(吴祥) Bipartite consensus problems of Lurie multi-agent systems over signed graphs: A contraction approach 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 070204

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