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Chin. Phys. B, 2019, Vol. 28(9): 095203    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab37f4

First polar direct-drive exploding-pusher target experiments on the ShenGuang laser facility

Bo Yu(余波)1,2, Jiamin Yang(杨家敏)1, Tianxuan Huang(黄天晅)1, Peng Wang(王鹏)1, Wanli Shang(尚万里)1, Xiumei Qiao(乔秀梅)3, Xuewei Deng(邓学伟)1, Zhanwen Zhang(张占文)1, Zifeng Song(宋仔峰)1, Qi Tang(唐琦)1, Xiaoshi Peng(彭晓世)1, Jiabin Chen(陈家斌)1, Yulong Li(理玉龙)1, Wei Jiang(蒋炜)1, Yudong Pu(蒲昱东)1, Ji Yan(晏骥)1, Zhongjing Chen(陈忠靖)1, Yunsong Dong(董云松)1, Wudi Zheng(郑无敌)3, Feng Wang(王峰)1, Shaoen Jiang(江少恩)1, Yongkun Ding(丁永坤)2,3, Jian Zheng(郑坚)2,4
1 Laser Fusion Research Center, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China;
2 Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China;
3 Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088, China;
4 IFSA Collaborative Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

Low density and low convergence implosion occurs in the exploding-pusher target experiment, and generates neutrons isotropically to develop a high yield platform. In order to validate the performance of ShenGuang (SG) laser facility and test nuclear diagnostics, all 48-beam lasers with an on-target energy of 48 kJ were firstly used to drive room-temperature, DT gas-filled glass targets. The optimization has been carried out and optimal drive uniformity was obtained by the combination of beam repointing and target. The final irradiation uniformity of less than 5% on polar direct-drive capsules of 540 μ in diameter was achieved, and the highest thermonuclear yield of the polar direct-drive DT fuel implosion at the SG was 1.04×1013. The experiment results show neutron yields severely depend on the irradiation uniformity and laser timing, and decrease with the increase of the diameter and fuel pressure of the target. The thin CH ablator does not impact the implosion performance, but the laser drive uniformity is important. The simulated results validate that the γ distribution laser design is reasonable and can achieve a symmetric pressure distribution. Further optimization will focus on measuring the symmetry of the hot spot by self-emission imaging, increasing the diameter, and decreasing the fuel pressure.

Keywords:  polar direct-drive      exploding-pusher target      neutron yield      irradiation uniformity  
Received:  07 May 2019      Revised:  21 July 2019      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.57.-z (Laser inertial confinement)  
  52.57.Fg (Implosion symmetry and hydrodynamic instability (Rayleigh-Taylor, Richtmyer-Meshkov, imprint, etc.))  
  29.25.Dz (Neutron sources)  
  02.60.Pn (Numerical optimization)  

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11605178) and the Science Challenging Project, China (Grant Nos. JCKY2016212A505 and TZ2016001).

Corresponding Authors:  Bo Yu     E-mail:

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Bo Yu(余波), Jiamin Yang(杨家敏), Tianxuan Huang(黄天晅), Peng Wang(王鹏), Wanli Shang(尚万里), Xiumei Qiao(乔秀梅), Xuewei Deng(邓学伟), Zhanwen Zhang(张占文), Zifeng Song(宋仔峰), Qi Tang(唐琦), Xiaoshi Peng(彭晓世), Jiabin Chen(陈家斌), Yulong Li(理玉龙), Wei Jiang(蒋炜), Yudong Pu(蒲昱东), Ji Yan(晏骥), Zhongjing Chen(陈忠靖), Yunsong Dong(董云松), Wudi Zheng(郑无敌), Feng Wang(王峰), Shaoen Jiang(江少恩), Yongkun Ding(丁永坤), Jian Zheng(郑坚) First polar direct-drive exploding-pusher target experiments on the ShenGuang laser facility 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 095203

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