1 College of Mechatronic Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery(Ministry of Education), Xihua University, Chengdu 600300, China; 3 College of Petroleum Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
Abstract The existing magnetomechancial models cannot explain the different experimental phenomena when the ferromagnetic specimen is respectively subjected to tension and compression stress in the constant and low intensity magnetic field, especially in the compression case. To promote the development of magnetomechancial theory, the energy conservation equation, effective magnetic field equation, and anhysteretic magnetization equation of the original Jiles–Atherton (J–A) theory are elucidated and modified, an equation of the local equilibrium status is employed and the differential expression of the modified magnetomechancial model based on the modified J–A theory is established finally. The effect of stress and plastic deformation on the magnetic parameters is analyzed. An excellent agreement is achieved between the theoretic predictions by the present modified model and the previous experimental results. Comparing with the calculation results given by the existing models and experimental results, it is seen indeed that the modified magnetomechanical model can describe the different magnetization features during tension-release and compression-release processes much better, and is the only one which can accurately reflect the experimental observation that the magnetic induction intensity reverses to negative value with the increase of the compressive stress and applied field.
(Magnetization curves, hysteresis, Barkhausen and related effects)
Fund: Project supported by the Major Program of Sichuan Province Science and Technology Plan,China (Grant No.2015SZ0010) and the Scientific Research Foundation of Sichuan Province,China (Grant No.2014GZ0121).
Corresponding Authors:
Xu Luo
E-mail: 402585133@qq.com
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Qingyou Liu(刘清友), Xu Luo(罗旭), Haiyan Zhu(朱海燕), Jianxun Liu(刘建勋), Yiwei Han(韩一维) Modified magnetomechancial model in the constant and low intensity magnetic field based on J–A theory 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 077502
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