A single diffractive optical element implementing spectrum-splitting and beam-concentration functions simultaneously with high diffraction efficiency
Ye Jia-Sheng (叶佳声)a b, Wang Jin-Ze (王进泽)c, Huang Qing-Li (黄庆礼)c, Dong Bi-Zhen (董碧珍)c, Zhang Yan (张岩)a b, Yang Guo-Zhen (杨国桢)c
a Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;
b Beijing Key Laboratory for THz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Key Laboratory of THz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100048, China;
c Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Abstract In this paper, a novel method is proposed and employed to design a single diffractive optical element (DOE) for implementing spectrum-splitting and beam-concentration (SSBC) functions simultaneously. We develop an optimization algorithm, through which the SSBC DOE can be optimized within an arbitrary thickness range according to the limitations of the modern photolithography technology. Theoretical simulation results reveal that the designed SSBC DOE has a high optical focusing efficiency. It is expected that the designed SSBC DOE should have practical applications in high-efficiency solar cell systems.
Fund: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2011CB301801) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91233202, 10904099, 11204188, 61205097, and 11174211).
Corresponding Authors:
Zhang Yan, Yang Guo-Zhen
E-mail: yzhang@mail.cnu.edu.cn;yanggz@aphy.iphy.ac.cn
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Ye Jia-Sheng (叶佳声), Wang Jin-Ze (王进泽), Huang Qing-Li (黄庆礼), Dong Bi-Zhen (董碧珍), Zhang Yan (张岩), Yang Guo-Zhen (杨国桢) A single diffractive optical element implementing spectrum-splitting and beam-concentration functions simultaneously with high diffraction efficiency 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 034201
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