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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(3): 1227-1230    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/3/064

Frequency selective surface with better polarization-independency for arbitrary incident angle

Jia Hong-Yan(贾宏燕)a)b), Gao Jin-Song(高劲松)a), and Feng Xiao-Guo(冯晓国)b)
a Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China; Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract  This paper investigates the frequency-selective property of a planar layer consisting of period arrays both theoretically and experimentally for different polarizations at arbitrary incident angle. The novel element is designed by loading the rectangular microstrip element with L-shaped conducting patch at its two ends. Based on the spectral-domain method, the frequency response including angle effect and polarization effect of the frequency selective surface (FSS) structure are analysed and the plots of the frequency versus transmission coefficient are obtained. As a result of the numerical analysis, it is shown that if the source polarization is changed, polarization-independence of previous FSS design can be achieved only for normal incidence, which limits most FSS applications. But in our proposed structure, the better polarization-independency for arbitrary incident angle can be achieved. It is observed that the simulated result comes very close to the experimental result.
Keywords:  frequency selective surface (FSS)      arbitrary incident angle      polarization independency  
Received:  18 April 2008      Revised:  10 July 2008      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  41.20.Jb (Electromagnetic wave propagation; radiowave propagation)  
  78.20.Ci (Optical constants (including refractive index, complex dielectric constant, absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients, emissivity))  
Fund: Project supported by the National Defense Innovation Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No CXJJ-149).

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Jia Hong-Yan(贾宏燕), Gao Jin-Song(高劲松), and Feng Xiao-Guo(冯晓国) Frequency selective surface with better polarization-independency for arbitrary incident angle 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1227

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