Abstract The exact solutions of the rate equations of the n-polymer stochastic aggregation involving two types of clusters, active and passive for the kernel $\prod_{k=1}^{n} s_{i_{k}}\left(s_{i_{k}}=i_{k}\right)$ and $\sum_{k=1}^{n} s_{i_{k}}\left(s_{i_{k}}=i_{k}\right)$, are obtained. The large-mass behaviours of the final mass distribution of the active and passive clusters have scaling-like forms, although the models exhibit different properties. Respectively, they have different decay exponents $\gamma=\frac{2 n+1}{2(n-1)}$ and $\gamma=q+\frac{2 n+1}{2(n-1)}$ for $\prod_{k=1}^{n} s_{i_{k}}\left(s_{i_{k}}=i_{k}\right)$ and $\gamma=\frac{3}{2(n-1)}$and $\gamma=q+\frac{3}{2(n-1)}$ for$\sum_{k=1}^{n} s_{i_{k}}\left(s_{i_{k}}=i_{k}\right)$, which include exponents of two-polymer stochastic aggregation. We also find that gelation is suppressed for kernel $\prod_{k=1}^{n} s_{i_{k}}\left(s_{i_{k}}=i_{k}\right) $ which is different from the deterministic aggregation.
Received: 28 October 2001
Revised: 24 December 2001
Accepted manuscript online:
Fund: Project supported by the Special Fund for Theoretic Physics of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10147201) (Cooperation Project of East and West).
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Xue Yu (薛郁), Chen Guang-Zhi (陈光旨) Mass distribution in n-polymer stochastic aggregation and large-mass behaviour 2002 Chinese Physics 11 684
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