Article Number: 2020-9-097501
CLC Number: A
Some experimental schemes to identify quantum spin liquids
Received date: 2020-04-19
Revised date: 2020-06-14
Online published: 2020-09-05
Supported by
the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFA0301001, 2018YFGH000095, and 2016YFA0300500), Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project, China (Grant No. 2019SHZDZX04), and the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong with General Research Fund, China (Grant No. 17303819).
Despite the apparent ubiquity and variety of quantum spin liquids in theory, experimental confirmation of spin liquids remains to be a huge challenge. Motivated by the recent surge of evidences for spin liquids in a series of candidate materials, we highlight the experimental schemes, involving the thermal Hall transport and spectrum measurements, that can result in smoking-gun signatures of spin liquids beyond the usual ones. For clarity, we investigate the square lattice spin liquids and theoretically predict the possible phenomena that may emerge in the corresponding spin liquids candidates. The mechanisms for these signatures can be traced back to either the intrinsic characters of spin liquids or the external field-driven behaviors. Our conclusion does not depend on the geometry of lattices and can broadly apply to other relevant spin liquids.
Key words: quantum spin liquids ; fractionalization ; neutron scattering ; thermal Hall effect
PACS: 75.10.Kt ; 75.10.Jm ; 61.05.fg ; 29.30.Hs
Yonghao Gao(高永豪) , Gang Chen(陈钢) . Some experimental schemes to identify quantum spin liquids. Chin. Phys. B, 2020 , 29(9) : 097501 . DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab9df0
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of spinon hoppings up to second neighbors on the square lattice. (a) The zero-flux QSL with a uniform nearest-neighbor spinon hopping coefficient t1,ij = t1,ji = t1 and next-nearest-neighbor spinon hopping coefficient t2,ij = t2,ji = t2. (b) The π-flux QSL with a gauge fixing such that the red thick lines stand for negative spinon hopping coefficient t1,ij = t1,ji = –t1, while the meaning of other lines remains unchanged. |
Fig. 2. Calculated dynamical spin structure factor ${\mathscr{S}}(\boldsymbol q,\omega )$ along the high symmetry line Γ–M–Γ–X–M in the first Brillouin zone, (a) zero-flux spinon Fermi surafce QSL with V-shape character around the Γ and (b) π-flux Dirac QSL with clear low-energy cone features around the high symmetry points. Contour plot of the upper edge of ${\mathscr{S}}(\boldsymbol q,\omega )$ in the first Brillouin zone for (c) zero-flux spinon Fermi surafce QSL and (d) π-flux Dirac QSL. (e) Original Brillouin zone (outer black square) and the folded Brillouin zone (light gray square) of square lattice. The parameters adopted in the calculation are t2/t1 = 0.2 with zero temperature kBT/t1 = 0. |
Fig. 3. (a) Dynamic spin structure factor for zero-flux QSL with t2/t1 = 0.2 and z-direction magnetic field Bz / t1 = 4. (b) Schematic illustration of the particle–hole excitations with small momenta. Such excitations for each q are degenerate at zero field, while the two-fold degeneracy is lifted soon when the Zeeman field is turned on. |
Fig. 4. (a) Schematic illustration of the spinon hopping matrix involving the complex second neighbor hopping coefficients, hopping along the arrows corresponds to ϕ, while hopping oppositely the arrows corresponds to –ϕ. Contour plot of Berry curvatures calculated when t2/t1 = 0.3 and ϕ = π/2 for (b) the lower two bands and (c) the upper two bands. (d) Representive spinon bands calculated when t2/t1 = 0.2, ϕ = π/3, and Bz/t1 = 0.4, the corresponding Chern numbers from the lowest band to the highest one are –1, –1, +1, +1, respectively. (e) The evolution of thermal Hall conductivity with temperature for different phase ϕ, where the magnetic field is fixed at Bz/t1 = 0.4, and the unit of κxy/T here is $\pi {k}_{{\rm{B}}}^{2}/6\hslash $. |
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