Call for papers

  • As an important dimension of CPB’s focus, researches on Solid-State Quantum Information Processing have achieved great progress while facing grand challenges and opportunity recently. To further review the status and stimulate further progress, Chinese Physics B aims to publish a special issue on Solid-State Quantum Information Processing in November, 2017, and thus has invited Professor Chang-Pu Sun, Professor Gui-Lu Long, and Professor Xiu-lai Xu to be the Guest editors. More about the Guest editors are in the end.
    ♦ Scopes
    1. Superconducting quantum computation
    2. Optical quantum information processing with semiconductor quantum systems
    3. Quantum computation with dopants, such asphosphorus dopants in silicon, nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
    4. Spin quantum computation in gate confined systems
    5. Topological quantum computation with Majorana fermions
    6. Quantum information processing using cavity optomechanics
    7. Solid-state quantum memory and quantum repeater
    8. Scalable quantum devices and quantum logic gates
    9. Theory and protocol of Solid-state quantum information processing
    10. Other related topics… …
    ♦ Timeline
    Online submission deadline: 1st September, 2017
    Planned publication date: November, 2017.
    ♦ Article type

    Research articles

    ♦ Submission

    Please submit the manuscript through our electronic submission system at website And please add the note “--Solid-State Quantum Information Processing” at the end of your article title for identification.

    ♦ Publication
    All paper would be reviewed by two independent reviewers. Once the paper is accepted, it will appear online firstly (with DOI and citable).Later it will be collected and published as a special topic in November 2017 as we expected.
    If you work is in this area and have some good research results to present, welcome to join this fabulous special topic.
    ♦ Guest Editors:
    Prof. Chang-Pu Sun, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China Academy of Engineering Physics
    Prof. Gui-Lu Long, Tsinghua University,
    Prof. Xiu-lai Xu, Institute of Physics, CAS
    ♦ Information about Guest Editors
    Professor Chan-Pu Sun,a theoretical physicist, currently is a chair professor at Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP). He obtained his PhD in 1992 at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, and then became a professor of physics in Northeast Normal University (1992-2011) and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In an adjunct position he even was a Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics of Nankai University from 2003 to 2008.
    He was selected as an Academician of CAS in 2009, and a Fellow of TWAS (the World Academy of Sciences) in 2011. He achieved many prizes including the National Award for Natural Sciences in China, the First Order Prize for Excellence Young Scientist in Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Prize of Science and Technology for Yang Scientists and Citation Classic Award by SCI et al. He is also honored by the National Model Employee of China.
    He currently explored the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics,. He yearn for a ”down-to-earth” understanding of fundamental problems in quantum mechanics in association with the most recent experiments about circuit QED using super-conducting systems, optomechanics with micro/nano-mechanical resonators, the photon transport in low-dimensional con?ned structure, and ultra-cold atoms in Bose-Einstein condensate. His research interests also include probing mathematical structures behind the dynamics of physical systems.
    Professor Gui-Lu Long is a professor at Tsinghua University. He received his B.Sc. from Shandong University in 1982, and Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 1987 respectively. He has been working in Tsinghua since 1987. During 1989-1993 he was a research fellow in the University of Sussex in UK. In 2000, he proposed the first quantum secure direct communication (QSDC)protocol in the world, which remains a hot topics of study upto dates. In QSDC, information can be directly transmitted in a quantum channel. He established the important phase matching condition in quantum search algorithm, designed an exact quantum search algorithm that improves the success rate Grover algorithm to 100%. His team has experimentally demonstrated world’s first nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computingin 2013. He proposed and established the duality quantum computing formalism which admits linear combinations of unitary operators, which finds important applications in designing new quantum algorithms.He is a fellow of IoP and fellow of APS. He is the currentpresident of Associations of Asian Pacific Physical Societies, vice-chair of C13 of IUPAP. He is the deputy-director of quantum optics group of Chinese Physics Society. In 2009, he received the Yao Yutai Physics Award of Chinese Physics Society.He won a national award for progress in natural science in 2013.
    Professor Xiu-Lai Xu received BA degree in Electronic Engineering from the Jilin University in 1996, and Ph.D. degree from Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in 2005. He has been working as research scientist, senior research scientist in Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory from 2005-2011, and was also a research fellow in Clare Hall, University of Cambridge during 2009-2011. He is currently a professor with Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and an adjunct professor in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

, Vol. 34, No. 1

Previous issues

1992 - present