Other articles related with "weak coherent pulses":
10305 Yuan Li(李源), Wansu Bao(鲍皖苏), Hongwei Li(李宏伟), Chun Zhou(周淳), Yang Wang(汪洋)
  Passive decoy-state quantum key distribution for the weak coherent photon source with finite-length key
    Chin. Phys. B   2016 Vol.25 (1): 10305-010305 [Abstract] (738) [HTML 1 KB] [PDF 1030 KB] (326)
110307 Li Yuan (李源), Bao Wan-Su (鲍皖苏), Li Hong-Wei (李宏伟), Zhou Chun (周淳), Wang Yang (汪洋)
  Passive decoy-state quantum key distribution using weak coherent pulses with modulator attenuation
    Chin. Phys. B   2015 Vol.24 (11): 110307-110307 [Abstract] (677) [HTML 1 KB] [PDF 1443 KB] (347)
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