Two-photon dissociation of BeH+ with a middle ultraviolet band laser |
Qian-Yu Zhang(张乾煜)1,2, Wen-Li Bai(白文丽)1,2, Zhi-Yuan Ao(敖致远)1,2, Wen-Cui Peng(彭文翠)1, Sheng-Guo He(何胜国)1,†, and Xin Tong(童昕)1,3,‡ |
1 State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3 Wuhan Institute of Quantum Technology, Wuhan 430206, China |
Abstract Two-photon dissociation of BeH$^{+}$ ions is studied by detecting the fluorescence changes of Be$^{+}$-BeH$^{+}$ bi-component Coulomb crystal in a linear Paul trap. BeH$^{+}$ ions generated by an exothermic reaction between electronically excited Be$^{+}$ ions and residual H$_{2}$ in the vacuum chamber are photon-dissociated with two photons scanning over the range of 201 nm to 208 nm. Our experiment provides a novel method to maintain the number of Be$^{+}$ ions stable in a Coulomb crystal with a middle ultraviolet band dissociation laser. This two-photon dissociation method extends the wavelength range of the dissociation laser for BeH$^{+}$ compared to the one-photon dissociation, and the method can be utilized to all alkaline earth atomic ions which require suppression of the reaction with residual H$_{2}$ gas in vacuum.
Received: 16 December 2024
Revised: 20 December 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 31 December 2024
(Diffuse spectra; predissociation, photodissociation)
(Multiple resonances (including double and higher-order resonance processes, such as double nuclear magnetic resonance, electron double resonance, and microwave optical double resonance))
(Potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions)
(Ion-molecule, ion-ion, and charge-transfer reactions)
Fund: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFA1402103) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12393825). |
Corresponding Authors:
Sheng-Guo He, Xin Tong
E-mail: hesg@wipm.ac.cn;tongxin@wipm.ac.cn
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Qian-Yu Zhang(张乾煜), Wen-Li Bai(白文丽), Zhi-Yuan Ao(敖致远), Wen-Cui Peng(彭文翠), Sheng-Guo He(何胜国), and Xin Tong(童昕) Two-photon dissociation of BeH+ with a middle ultraviolet band laser 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 033301
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