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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(5): 050302    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad18ab

Quafu-Qcover: Explore combinatorial optimization problems on cloud-based quantum computers

Hong-Ze Xu(许宏泽)1,†, Wei-Feng Zhuang(庄伟峰)1,†, Zheng-An Wang(王正安)1, Kai-Xuan Huang(黄凯旋)1, Yun-Hao Shi(时运豪)3,5,6, Wei-Guo Ma(马卫国)3,5,6, Tian-Ming Li(李天铭)3,5,6, Chi-Tong Chen(陈驰通)3,5,6, Kai Xu(许凯)3,1, Yu-Long Feng(冯玉龙)1, Pei Liu(刘培)1, Mo Chen(陈墨)1, Shang-Shu Li(李尚书)3,5,6, Zhi-Peng Yang(杨智鹏)1, Chen Qian(钱辰)1, Yu-Xin Jin(靳羽欣)1, Yun-Heng Ma(马运恒)1, Xiao Xiao(肖骁)1, Peng Qian(钱鹏)1, Yanwu Gu(顾炎武)1, Xu-Dan Chai(柴绪丹)1, Ya-Nan Pu(普亚南)1, Yi-Peng Zhang(张翼鹏)1, Shi-Jie Wei(魏世杰)1, Jin-Feng Zeng(增进峰)1, Hang Li(李行)1, Gui-Lu Long(龙桂鲁)2,1, Yirong Jin(金贻荣)1, Haifeng Yu(于海峰)1, Heng Fan(范桁)3,1,5,6, Dong E. Liu(刘东)2,1,4, and Meng-Jun Hu(胡孟军)1,‡
1 Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, Beijing 100193, China;
2 State Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
3 Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
4 Frontier Science Center for Quantum Information, Beijing 100184, China;
5 School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
6 CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation, UCAS, Beijing 100190, China
Abstract  We introduce Quafu-Qcover, an open-source cloud-based software package developed for solving combinatorial optimization problems using quantum simulators and hardware backends. Quafu-Qcover provides a standardized and comprehensive workflow that utilizes the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). It facilitates the automatic conversion of the original problem into a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model and its corresponding Ising model, which can be subsequently transformed into a weight graph. The core of Qcover relies on a graph decomposition-based classical algorithm, which efficiently derives the optimal parameters for the shallow QAOA circuit. Quafu-Qcover incorporates a dedicated compiler capable of translating QAOA circuits into physical quantum circuits that can be executed on Quafu cloud quantum computers. Compared to a general-purpose compiler, our compiler demonstrates the ability to generate shorter circuit depths, while also exhibiting superior speed performance. Additionally, the Qcover compiler has the capability to dynamically create a library of qubits coupling substructures in real-time, utilizing the most recent calibration data from the superconducting quantum devices. This ensures that computational tasks can be assigned to connected physical qubits with the highest fidelity. The Quafu-Qcover allows us to retrieve quantum computing sampling results using a task ID at any time, enabling asynchronous processing. Moreover, it incorporates modules for results preprocessing and visualization, facilitating an intuitive display of solutions for combinatorial optimization problems. We hope that Quafu-Qcover can serve as an instructive illustration for how to explore application problems on the Quafu cloud quantum computers.
Keywords:  quantum cloud platform      combinatorial optimization problems      quantum software  
Received:  08 November 2023      Revised:  23 December 2023      Accepted manuscript online:  26 December 2023
PACS:  03.67.Lx (Quantum computation architectures and implementations)  
  03.67.Ac (Quantum algorithms, protocols, and simulations)  
  42.50.Dv (Quantum state engineering and measurements)  
Fund: Haifeng Yu, Meng-Jun Hu and Wei-Feng Zhuang are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 92365206). Hong-Ze Xu acknowledges the support of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Certificate Number: 2023M740272). Zheng-An Wang is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12247168) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Certificate Number: 2022TQ0036).
Corresponding Authors:  Meng-Jun Hu     E-mail:

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Hong-Ze Xu(许宏泽), Wei-Feng Zhuang(庄伟峰), Zheng-An Wang(王正安), Kai-Xuan Huang(黄凯旋), Yun-Hao Shi(时运豪), Wei-Guo Ma(马卫国), Tian-Ming Li(李天铭), Chi-Tong Chen(陈驰通), Kai Xu(许凯), Yu-Long Feng(冯玉龙), Pei Liu(刘培), Mo Chen(陈墨), Shang-Shu Li(李尚书), Zhi-Peng Yang(杨智鹏), Chen Qian(钱辰), Yu-Xin Jin(靳羽欣), Yun-Heng Ma(马运恒), Xiao Xiao(肖骁), Peng Qian(钱鹏), Yanwu Gu(顾炎武), Xu-Dan Chai(柴绪丹), Ya-Nan Pu(普亚南), Yi-Peng Zhang(张翼鹏), Shi-Jie Wei(魏世杰), Jin-Feng Zeng(增进峰), Hang Li(李行), Gui-Lu Long(龙桂鲁), Yirong Jin(金贻荣), Haifeng Yu(于海峰), Heng Fan(范桁), Dong E. Liu(刘东), and Meng-Jun Hu(胡孟军) Quafu-Qcover: Explore combinatorial optimization problems on cloud-based quantum computers 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 050302

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