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Chin. Phys. B

The non-homogeneity of SiGe-on-insulator formed by germanium condensation processes

Abstract  Ge condensation processes of a sandwiched structure of Si/SiGe/Si on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) to form SiGe-on-insulator substrates (SGOI) were investigated. The non-homogeneity of SiGe on insulator was observed after a long time oxidation and annealing due to an increased consumption of silicon at the inflection points of the corrugated SiGe film morphology, which happened in the case of the rough surface morphology with lateral Si atoms diffusion to the inflection points of the corrugated SiGe film. The transmission electron microscopy measurements showed that the non-homogeneity SiGe layer exhibited a single crystalline nature with perfect atom lattice. Possible formation mechanisms of the non-homogeneity SiGe layer were presented by discussing the highly nonuniform oxidation rate that was spatially dependent during the Ge condensation processes. The results are of guiding significance to fabricate the SGOI by Ge condensation process.
Keywords:  SGOI      Ge condensation      non-homogeneity  
Received:  15 July 2013      Revised:  24 October 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 
Fund: the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China;National Natural Science Foundations of China;Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities;National Basic Research Program of China
Corresponding Authors:  Cheng Li   

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The non-homogeneity of SiGe-on-insulator formed by germanium condensation processes Chin. Phys. B 0

[1] Non-homogeneous SiGe-on-insulator formed by germanium condensation process
Huang Shi-Hao, Li Cheng, Lu Wei-Fang, Wang Chen, Lin Guang-Yang, Lai Hong-Kai, Chen Song-Yan. Chin. Phys. B, 2014, 23(4): 048109.
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