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Chin. Phys. B, 2008, Vol. 17(3): 901-907    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/17/3/027

Slice emittance and projected emittance

Li Zheng-Hong(李正红)
Science College, South-Western University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621021, China
Abstract  This paper presents an analytical description for the growth of the projected emittance (here just referred to the transverse emittance) based on the concept of the slice emittance in an RF photoinjector. In the RF photoinjector, the slice emittance undergoes small changes, but the projected emittance changes significantly even in the drift space after the injector. Carefully adjusting the parameters of the RF photoinjector, which usually means emittance compensation, the projected emittance can be minimized to the value of the slice emittance. The relation between slice emittance and projected emittance is explained in this paper. An emittance function, which shows such a relation, is also introduced. A model about the emittance growth in the RF photoinjector is established, which accords with the particle simulation results by using the code ASTRA. The condition to minimize the emittance is also given by using the emittance function, which means the emittance compensation in the RF photoinjector.
Keywords:  photoinjector      emittance      slice emittance      emittance compensation  
Received:  11 January 2007      Revised:  25 September 2007      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  29.20.-c (Accelerators)  
  29.27.Ac (Beam injection and extraction)  

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Li Zheng-Hong(李正红) Slice emittance and projected emittance 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 901

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