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Chinese Physics, 2004, Vol. 13(12): 2091-2096    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/12/020

Observation of intermittency in edge plasma of SUNIST tokamak

Wang Wen-Hao (王文浩)a, He Ye-Xi (何也熙)a, Gao Zhe (高喆)a, Zeng Li (曾立)a, Zhang Guo-Ping (张国平)a, Xie Li-Feng (解丽凤)a, Feng Chun-Hua(冯春华)b 
a Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; b Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract  The temporal intermittency of the fluctuation-driven particle transport fluxes is analysed by using data obtained from Langmuir probe array in the edge of the Sino-United Spherical Tokamak (SUNIST). The conditional statistics analysis indicates that the intermittent structures have a characteristic time width of about 30μs, which is the typical fluctuation time scaling. It is also found that the transport fluxes have a multifractal character over the fluctuation time scales, and exhibit a long-time-range correlation character with self-similar parameter H>0.5 in the plasma confinement time scales. Furthermore, the analyses show that the level of the intermittency and the long-range correlation of the fluxes vary with increasing plasma density. These observations are consistent with the prediction of the avalanche-like model.
Keywords:  intermittency      spherical tokamak      edge plasma turbulence transport  
Received:  21 June 2004      Revised:  20 August 2004      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.40.Hf (Plasma-material interactions; boundary layer effects)  
  52.55.Fa (Tokamaks, spherical tokamaks)  
  52.25.Fi (Transport properties)  
  52.70.Ds (Electric and magnetic measurements)  
  52.35.Ra (Plasma turbulence)  
  52.25.Gj (Fluctuation and chaos phenomena)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natura1 Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos 10275041, 10235010 and 10375089) and by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

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Wang Wen-Hao (王文浩), He Ye-Xi (何也熙), Gao Zhe (高喆), Zeng Li (曾立), Zhang Guo-Ping (张国平), Xie Li-Feng (解丽凤), Feng Chun-Hua (冯春华) Observation of intermittency in edge plasma of SUNIST tokamak 2004 Chinese Physics 13 2091

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