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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(3): 300-304    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/3/309

Communications using multi-mode laser system based on chaotic synchronization

Wu Liang (吴亮), Zhu Shi-Qun (朱士群)
Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Suzhou University Suzhou, 215006, China
Abstract  The communication using chaotic synchronization between two multi-mode Nd:YAG lasers has been investigated numerically. The digital communication using multi-mode chaotic lasers is quite different from that using single mode lasers. By introducing a short break between two adjacent bits in the communication scheme, the digital signals can be successfully encoded into the spiky pulses and decoded through the subtraction of receiver output from the transmitted. Even when the two multi-mode lasers are not synchronized perfectly with certain deviations, the encoded digits can still be decoded correctly.
Keywords:  digital communication      multi-mode laser system      chaotic synchronization  
Received:  12 September 2002      Revised:  20 October 2002      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.79.Sz (Optical communication systems, multiplexers, and demultiplexers?)  
  05.45.Vx (Communication using chaos)  
  42.55.Rz (Doped-insulator lasers and other solid state lasers)  
  42.65.Sf (Dynamics of nonlinear optical systems; optical instabilities, optical chaos and complexity, and optical spatio-temporal dynamics)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 19874046) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No BK2001138).

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Wu Liang (吴亮), Zhu Shi-Qun (朱士群) Communications using multi-mode laser system based on chaotic synchronization 2003 Chinese Physics 12 300

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