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Chinese Physics, 2002, Vol. 11(8): 839-845    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/8/317

Adsorption geometry of glycine on Cu(001) determined with low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunnelling microscopy

Ge Si-Ping (葛四平), Zhao Xue-Ying (赵学应), Gai Zheng (盖峥), Zhao Ru-Guang (赵汝光), Yang Wei-Sheng (杨威生)
The Mesoscopic Physics Laboratory and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract  Using low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) it has been found that glycine molecules adsorbed on Cu(001) can form but only the (2×4) and c(2×4) superstructures. On the basis of the missing LEED spots of the surface, it has been concluded that: each (2×4) unit cell consists of two molecules, one being the mirror image of the other; the C-C axis of both molecules lies in the mirror plane of the Cu substrate without a significant shift and twist from the plane; and the two O atoms of the carboxylate group of both molecules locate at the same height level without significant buckling. According to these conclusions, a structural model has been proposed for the (2×4) superstructure (a model for the c(2×4) superstructure already exists). We argue that the (2×4) and c(2×4) superstructures must have similar specific surface free energy, that their hydrogen bonds must be of N-H-OII type, and that their local adsorption geometry must be similar or even the same. The advantage of combining STM with LEED to determine surface structures is clearly demonstrated.
Keywords:  amino acids      surface adsorption      low-energy electron diffraction      scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM)  
Received:  25 February 2002      Revised:  19 December 2001      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  68.43.Mn (Adsorption kinetics ?)  
  68.37.Ef (Scanning tunneling microscopy (including chemistry induced with STM))  
  68.43.Fg (Adsorbate structure (binding sites, geometry))  
  68.47.De (Metallic surfaces)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10134030).

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Ge Si-Ping (葛四平), Zhao Xue-Ying (赵学应), Gai Zheng (盖峥), Zhao Ru-Guang (赵汝光), Yang Wei-Sheng (杨威生) Adsorption geometry of glycine on Cu(001) determined with low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunnelling microscopy 2002 Chinese Physics 11 839

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