Apparatus for producing single strontium atoms in an optical tweezer array |
Kai Wen(文凯)1,†, Huijin Chen(陈辉锦)1,†, Xu Yan(颜煦)2, Zejian Ren(任泽剑)1, Chengdong He(何成东)2, Elnur Hajiyev2, Preston Tsz Fung Wong(黄梓峰)2, and Gyu-Boong Jo1,2,‡ |
1 Microelectronics Thrust, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 511455, China; 2 Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 999077, China |
Abstract We outline an experimental setup for efficiently preparing a tweezer array of $^{88}$Sr atoms. Our setup uses permanent magnets to maintain a steady-state two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (MOT) which results in a loading rate of up to $10^{8}$ s$^{-1}$ at 5 mK for the three-dimensional blue MOT. This enables us to trap $2\times10^{6}$ $^{88}$Sr atoms at 2 μK in a narrow-line red MOT with the $^{1}$S$_{0}$ $\rightarrow$ $^{3}$P$_{1}$ intercombination transition at 689 nm. With the Sisyphus cooling and pairwise loss processes, single atoms are trapped and imaged in 813 nm optical tweezers, exhibiting a lifetime of 2.5 min. We further investigate the survival fraction of a single atom in the tweezers and characterize the optical tweezer array using a release and recapture technique. Our experimental setup serves as an excellent reference for those engaged in experiments involving optical tweezer arrays, cold atom systems, and similar research.
Received: 20 August 2024
Revised: 26 September 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 09 October 2024
(Atomic and molecular beam sources and detectors)
Fund: GBJ acknowledges support from the RGC through 16306119, 16302420, 16302821, 16306321, 16306922, 16302123, C6009-20G, N-HKUST636-22, and RFS2122-6S04.KW acknowledges support from the Guangzhou and Nansha District Postdoctoral Project. CH acknowledges support from the RGC for RGC Postdoctoral fellowship. |
Corresponding Authors:
Gyu-Boong Jo
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Kai Wen(文凯), Huijin Chen(陈辉锦), Xu Yan(颜煦), Zejian Ren(任泽剑), Chengdong He(何成东), Elnur Hajiyev, Preston Tsz Fung Wong(黄梓峰), and Gyu-Boong Jo Apparatus for producing single strontium atoms in an optical tweezer array 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 120703
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