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Chin. Phys. B, 2021, Vol. 30(4): 044202    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/abd2aa

Incoherent digital holographic spectral imaging with high accuracy of image pixel registration

Feng-Ying Ma(马凤英)1, Xi Wang(王茜)1, Yuan-Zhuang Bu(卜远壮)1, Yong-Zhi Tian(田勇志)1, Yanli Du(杜艳丽) 1, Qiao-Xia Gong(弓巧侠)1, Ceyun Zhuang(庄策云)2, Jinhai Li(李金海)1, and Lei Li(李磊)1,†
1 School of Physics and Microelectronics, Key Laboratory of Materials Physics of the Ministry of Education, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract  Fresnel incoherent correlation holography (FINCH) is a unique three-dimensional (3D) imaging technique which has the advantages of scanning-free, high resolution, and easy matching with existing mature optical systems. In this article, an incoherent digital holographic spectral imaging method with high accuracy of spectral reconstruction based on liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) and FINCH is proposed. Using the programmable characteristics of spatial light modulator (SLM), a series of phase masks, none of whose focal lengths changes with wavelength, is designed and made. For each wavelength of LCTF output, SLM calls three phase masks with different phase constants at the corresponding wavelength, and CCD records three holograms. The spectral images obtained by this method have a constant magnification, which can achieve pixel-level image registration, restrain image registration errors, and improve spectral reconstruction accuracy. The results show that this method can not only obtain the 3D spatial information and spectral information of the object simultaneously, but also have high accuracy of spectral reconstruction and excellent color reproducibility.
Keywords:  incoherent digital holography      high-precision registration      spectral imaging      microspectral imaging  
Received:  01 October 2020      Revised:  28 November 2020      Accepted manuscript online:  11 December 2020
PACS:  42.30.-d (Imaging and optical processing)  
  42.40.Ht (Hologram recording and readout methods)  
  87.64.K- (Spectroscopy)  
  87.64.-t (Spectroscopic and microscopic techniques in biophysics and medical physics)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61505178, 61307019, and 11504333) and the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 18A140032, 15A140038, and 16A140035).
Corresponding Authors:  Corresponding author. E-mail:   

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Feng-Ying Ma(马凤英), Xi Wang(王茜), Yuan-Zhuang Bu(卜远壮), Yong-Zhi Tian(田勇志), Yanli Du(杜艳丽) , Qiao-Xia Gong(弓巧侠), Ceyun Zhuang(庄策云), Jinhai Li(李金海), and Lei Li(李磊) Incoherent digital holographic spectral imaging with high accuracy of image pixel registration 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 044202

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