Improving the performance of crystalline Si solar cell by high-pressure hydrogenation
Xi-Yuan Dai(戴希远)1, Yu-Chen Zhang(张宇宸)1, Liang-Xin Wang(王亮兴)2, Fei Hu(胡斐)1, Zhi-Yuan Yu(于志远)1, Shuai Li(李帅)1, Shu-Jie Li(李树杰)3, Xin-Ju Yang(杨新菊)3, and Ming Lu(陆明)1, †
1 Department of Optical Science and Engineering and Shanghai Ultra-Precision Optical Manufacturing Engineering Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 2 School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 3 Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
We report an approach of high-pressure hydrogenation to improve the performance of crystalline Si (c-Si) solar cells. As-received p-type c-Si wafer-based PN junctions were subjected to high-pressure (2.5 MPa) hydrogen atmosphere at 200 °C, followed by evaporating antireflection layers, passivation layers, and front and rear electrodes. The efficiency of the so prepared c-Si solar cell was found to increase evidently after high-pressure hydrogenation, with a maximal enhancement of 10%. The incorporation of hydrogen by Si solar cells was identified, and hydrogen passivation of dangling bonds in Si was confirmed. Compared to the regular approach of hydrogen plasma passivation, the approach of high-pressure hydrogenation reported here needs no post-hydrogenation treatment, and can be more convenient and efficient to use in improving the performances of the c-Si and other solar cells.
Received: 01 April 2020
Revised: 21 August 2020
Accepted manuscript online: 01 September 2020
Fund: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62075044), the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, China (Grant No. 18JC1411500), and the CIOMP–Fudan University Joint Foundation (Grant No. FC2017-001).
Xi-Yuan Dai(戴希远), Yu-Chen Zhang(张宇宸), Liang-Xin Wang(王亮兴), Fei Hu(胡斐), Zhi-Yuan Yu(于志远), Shuai Li(李帅), Shu-Jie Li(李树杰), Xin-Ju Yang(杨新菊), and Ming Lu(陆明) Improving the performance of crystalline Si solar cell by high-pressure hydrogenation 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 118801
Fig. 1.
The cross-sectional structure of the c-Si solar cell.
Fig. 2.
(a)–(c) The AFM images of Si(100) wafers of 0-, 6-, and 9-day high-pressure hydrogenation, respectively. (d) The EDX spectrum of islands on the hydrogenated surface.
Fig. 3.
Reflection spectra of Si(100) surfaces and PN junction after 0- and 6-day high-pressure hydrogenation.
Fig. 4.
(a) Current density–voltage characteristics, (b) the EQE curves of the c-Si solar cells with 0-, 3-, 6-, and 9-day high-pressure hydrogenation.
Fig. 5.
Efficiency of the c-Si solar cells versus high-pressure hydrogenation time.
37.3 ± 0.2
563 ± 3
82.2 ± 1.9
17.2 ± 0.4
1.0 ± 0.4
798 ± 341
39.3 ± 0.4
556 ± 3
83.7 ± 1.8
18.3 ± 0.3
0.7 ± 0.2
1005 ± 274
42.1 ± 0.6
551 ± 3
81.9 ± 2.2
19.0 ± 0.5
0.5 ± 0.1
1420 ± 460
40.3 ± 1.1
549 ± 2
80.0 ± 2.8
17.7 ± 0.5
0.8 ± 0.2
1009 ± 419
Table 1.
Photovoltaic parameters of solar cells with different high-pressure hydrogenation time.
0 day
3 days
6 days
9 days
Sheet resistance/Ω⋅sq−1
24.9 ± 1.7
26.7 ± 1.6
25.4 ± 1.8
25.8 ± 1.8
Table 2.
The sheet resistance of PN junction after different high-pressure hydrogenation time.
Fig. 6.
(a) Scan image of minority carrier lifetimes of Si(100) wafers after 0-, 1-, 3-, 6-, and 9-day high-pressure hydrogenation. (b) Minority carrier lifetime versus high-pressure hydrogenation time.
Fig. 7.
(a) FTIR absorbance difference spectra. (b) Degree of hydrogen passivation versus high-pressure hydrogenation time.
Fig. 8.
The XRD spectra of Si(100) wafers after 0-, 3-, 6-, and 9-day high-pressure hydrogenation.
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