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Chin. Phys. B, 2018, Vol. 27(2): 025207    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/2/025207

Analytical studies on the evolution processes of rarefied deuterium plasma shell Z-pinch by PIC and MHD simulations

Cheng Ning(宁成), Xiao-Qiang Zhang(张小强), Yang Zhang(张扬), Shun-Kai Sun(孙顺凯), Chuang Xue(薛创), Zhi-Xing Feng(丰志兴), Bai-Wen Li(李百文)
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088, China
Abstract  In this paper, we analytically explore the magnetic field and mass density evolutions obtained in particle-in-cell (PIC) and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations of a rarefied deuterium shell Z-pinch and compare those results, and also we study the effects of artificially increased Spitzer resistivity on the magnetic field evolution and Z-pinch dynamic process in the MHD simulation. There are significant differences between the profiles of mass density in the PIC and MHD simulations before 45 ns of the Z-pinch in this study. However, after the shock formation in the PIC simulation, the mass density profile is similar to that in the MHD simulation in the case of using multiplier 2 to modify the Spitzer resistivity. Compared with the magnetic field profiles of the PIC simulation of the shell, the magnetic field diffusion has still not been sufficiently revealed in the MHD simulation even though their convergence ratios become the same by using larger multipliers in the resistivity. The MHD simulation results suggest that the magnetic field diffusion is greatly enhanced by increasing the Spitzer resistivity used, which, however, causes the implosion characteristic to change from shock compression to weak shock, even shockless evolution, and expedites the expansion of the shell. Too large a multiplier is not suggested to be used to modify the resistivity in some Z-pinch applications, such as the Z-pinch driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) in a dynamic hohlraum. Two-fluid or Hall MHD model, even the PIC/fluid hybrid simulation would be considered as a suitable physical model when there exist the plasma regions with very low density in the simulated domain.
Keywords:  shell Z-pinch      PIC and MHD simulations      wire-array Z-pinch  
Received:  25 July 2017      Revised:  16 September 2017      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.58.Lq (Z-pinches, plasma focus, and other pinch devices)  
  52.65.-y (Plasma simulation)  
  52.59.Qy (Wire array Z-pinches)  
Fund: Projected supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11675025, 11135007, and 11405012).
Corresponding Authors:  Cheng Ning     E-mail:
About author:  52.58.Lq; 52.65.-y; 52.59.Qy

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Cheng Ning(宁成), Xiao-Qiang Zhang(张小强), Yang Zhang(张扬), Shun-Kai Sun(孙顺凯), Chuang Xue(薛创), Zhi-Xing Feng(丰志兴), Bai-Wen Li(李百文) Analytical studies on the evolution processes of rarefied deuterium plasma shell Z-pinch by PIC and MHD simulations 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 025207

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