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Chin. Phys. B, 2010, Vol. 19(12): 128201    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/12/128201

Competing role of catalysis-coagulation and catalysis-fragmentation in kinetic aggregation behaviours

Li Xiao-Dong(李晓东), Lin Zhen-Quan(林振权), Song Mei-Xia(宋美霞), and Ke Jian-Hong(柯见洪)
Department of Physics, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China
Abstract  We propose a kinetic aggregation model where species A aggregates evolve by the catalysis-coagulation and the catalysis-fragmentation, while the catalyst aggregates of the same species B or C perform self-coagulation processes. By means of the generalized Smoluchowski rate equation based on the mean-field assumption, we study the kinetic behaviours of the system with the catalysis-coagulation rate kernel K(i,j;l)lν and the catalysis-fragmentation rate kernel F(i,j;l)lμ , where l is the size of the catalyst aggregate, and ν and μ are two parameters reflecting the dependence of the catalysis reaction on the size of the catalyst aggregate. The relation between the values of parameters ν and μ reflects the competing roles between the two catalysis processes in the kinetic evolution of species A. It is found that the competing roles of the catalysis-coagulation and catalysis-fragmentation in the kinetic aggregation behaviours are not determined simply by the relation between the two parameters ν and μ, but also depend on the values of these two parameters. When ν>μ and ν0, the kinetic evolution of species A is dominated by the catalysis-coagulation and its aggregate size distribution ak(t) obeys the conventional or generalized scaling law; when ν<μ and ν0 or ν>0 but μ0, the catalysis-fragmentation process may play a dominating role and ak(t) approaches the scale-free form; and in other cases, a balance is established between the two competing processes at large times and ak(t) obeys a modified scaling law.
Keywords:  kinetic aggregation behaviour      catalysis-coagulation      catalysis-fragmentation      rate equations  
Received:  20 March 2010      Revised:  03 August 2010      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  82.65.+r (Surface and interface chemistry; heterogeneous catalysis at surfaces)  
  82.70.-y (Disperse systems; complex fluids)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10875086 and 10775104).

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Li Xiao-Dong(李晓东), Lin Zhen-Quan(林振权), Song Mei-Xia(宋美霞), and Ke Jian-Hong(柯见洪) Competing role of catalysis-coagulation and catalysis-fragmentation in kinetic aggregation behaviours 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 128201

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