
  • To promote the sharing and cooperation of computer programs developed for physics, which helps to reduce the barrier and lighten the burden of program development for physicists, Chinese Physics B launches a new section, “Computational Programs for Physics” in 2023. Both research papers and review articles are welcome. 

    Good computational programs are the focus of this section, whereas new physics and results are not necessary for acceptance. A good program should contain at least one of these factors: accuracy, efficiency, new functionality, accessibility, expansibility, etc.   

    The main content of the paper usually should include the methods used in the program, the description of the program (anything important and special in the program), the verification and benchmark of the program, and application examples. The related programs will be deposited in an accredited repository with links provided in the paper to facilitate the program access or they will be provided directly by the authors if the authors are still developing the cutting-edge programs.

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ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

, Vol. 34, No. 1

Previous issues

1992 - present