Other articles related with "two-mode squeezed thermal state":
104203 Heng-Mei Li(李恒梅), Xue-Xiang Xu(徐学翔), Hong-Chun Yuan(袁洪春), Zhen Wang(王震)
  Quantum metrology with two-mode squeezed thermal state: Parity detection and phase sensitivity
    Chin. Phys. B   2016 Vol.25 (10): 104203-104203 [Abstract] (695) [HTML 1 KB] [PDF 9842 KB] (759)
34202 Hu Li-Yun (胡利云), Fan Hong-Yi (范洪义), Zhang Zhi-Ming (张智明)
  New formulas for normalizing photon-added (-subtracted) two-mode squeezed thermal states
    Chin. Phys. B   2013 Vol.22 (3): 34202-034202 [Abstract] (878) [HTML 0 KB] [PDF 236 KB] (663)
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