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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(8): 084703    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad43d3

Integrated analysis of plasma rotation effect on HL-3 hybrid scenario

Miao Xue(薛淼), Guo-Yao Zheng(郑国尧), Lei Xue(薛雷)†, Jia-Xian Li(李佳鲜), Shuo Wang(王硕), Hai-Long Du(杜海龙), Yi-Ren Zhu(朱毅仁), and Yue Zhou(周月)
Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610000, China
Abstract  The hybrid scenario, which has good confinement and moderate MHD instabilities, is a proposed operation scenario for international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). In this work, the effect of plasma rotation on the HL-3 hybrid scenario is analyzed with the integrated modeling framework OMFIT. The results show that toroidal rotation has no obvious effect on confinement with a high line averaged density of $n_{\rm bar}\sim 7\times10^{19}$ m$^{-3}$. In this case, the ion temperature only changes from 4.7 keV to 4.4 keV with the rotation decreasing from 10$^{5 }$ rad/s to 10$^{3 }$ rad/s, which means that the turbulent heat transport is not dominant. While in the scenarios characterized by lower densities, such as $n_{\rm bar}\sim 4\times10^{19}$ m$^{-3}$, turbulent transport becomes dominant in determining heat transport. The ion temperature rises from 3.8 keV to 6.1 keV in the core as the rotation velocity increases from 10$^{3 }$ rad/s to 10$^{5 }$ rad/s. Despite the ion temperature rising, the rotation velocity does not obviously affect electron temperature or density. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the variation in rotation velocity does not significantly affect the global confinement of plasma in scenarios with low density or with high density.
Keywords:  HL-3      hybrid scenario      toroidal rotation      integrated modeling  
Received:  13 December 2023      Revised:  25 April 2024      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  47.50.Cd (Modeling)  
  98.62.Dm (Kinematics, dynamics, and rotation)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Program of China (Grants Nos. 2019YFE03040002 and 2018YFE0301101) and the Talent Project of China National Nuclear Corporation, China (Grant No. 2022JZYF-01).
Corresponding Authors:  Lei Xue     E-mail:

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Miao Xue(薛淼), Guo-Yao Zheng(郑国尧), Lei Xue(薛雷), Jia-Xian Li(李佳鲜), Shuo Wang(王硕), Hai-Long Du(杜海龙), Yi-Ren Zhu(朱毅仁), and Yue Zhou(周月) Integrated analysis of plasma rotation effect on HL-3 hybrid scenario 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 084703

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