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Chin. Phys. B, 2022, Vol. 31(10): 104701    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac80a9

Experimental study of the influence of annular nozzle on acoustic characteristics of detonation sound wave generated by pulse detonation engine

Yang Kang(康杨), Ning Li(李宁), Xiao-Long Huang(黄孝龙), and Chun-Sheng Weng(翁春生)
National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
Abstract  Acoustic characteristics of the detonation sound wave generated by a pulse detonation engine with an annular nozzle, including peak sound pressure, directivity, and A duration, are experimentally investigated while utilizing gasoline as fuel and oxygen-enriched air as oxidizer. Three annular nozzle geometries are evaluated by varying the ratio of inner cone diameter to detonation tube exit diameter from 0.36 to 0.68. The experimental results show that the annular nozzles have a significant effect on the acoustic characteristics of the detonation sound wave. The annular nozzles can amplify the peak sound pressure of the detonation sound wave at 90° while reducing it at 0° and 30°. The directivity angle of the detonation sound wave is changed by annular nozzles from 30° to 90°. The A duration of the detonation sound wave at 90° is also increased by the annular nozzles. These changes indicate that the annular nozzles have an important influence on the acoustic energy distribution of the detonation sound wave, which amplify the acoustic energy in a direction perpendicular to the tube axis and weaken it along the direction of the tube axis.
Keywords:  pulse detonation engine      annular nozzle      detonation sound wave      acoustic characteristics  
Received:  04 May 2022      Revised:  01 July 2022      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  47.40.Rs (Detonation waves)  
  43.25.Jh (Reflection, refraction, interference, scattering, and diffraction of intense sound waves)  
  43.28.Mw (Shock and blast waves, sonic boom)  
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK20220919) and the National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics Foundation Project, China (Grants No. 6142604210203).
Corresponding Authors:  Ning Li     E-mail:

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Yang Kang(康杨), Ning Li(李宁), Xiao-Long Huang(黄孝龙), and Chun-Sheng Weng(翁春生) Experimental study of the influence of annular nozzle on acoustic characteristics of detonation sound wave generated by pulse detonation engine 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 104701

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