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Chin. Phys. B

Transient response of transparency in a far-off resonant atomic system

Abstract  Transient coherent oscillation in a closed $\Lambda$ system by far-off resonant Raman fields was investigated theoretically. It has been found that the coherent superposition of ground states can be formed by the absorption even for initial maximal mixed ground states. The absorption oscillated with the period depending on two-photon detuning when the system was initially in a transparent state and the two-photon Raman detuning was suddenly changed. The amplitude of the absorption decays with the decay rate of the ground states, which is different from the case when laser lights are applied resonantly and can be used to measured the relaxation rate of the ground states.
Keywords:  laser atom interaction, coherent population trapping,transient coherent oscillation, three-level system  
Received:  27 June 2013      Revised:  29 September 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 

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Transient response of transparency in a far-off resonant atomic system Chin. Phys. B 0

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