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Chin. Phys. B

Spin-star environment assisted entanglement generations in weakly coupled bipartite systems

Gen-Fang Wang1,Jian-Mei Lu1,Lin-Cheng Wang2
1. Dalian University of Technology
2. 大连理工大学, 物理与光电工程学院
Abstract  We study entanglement evolutions in weakly coupled bipartite systems with large energy level difference under the influence of spin-star environments, where each subsystem coupled to a pure state or thermal equilibrium state spin-star environment. Our results show that, in the case of the coupling strength less than the energy level difference of subsystem (weakly coupled), the spin-star environment can always be used to assist the entanglement generation of the bipartite system.
Keywords:  Entanglement, Spin-star environment, Weakly coupled  
Received:  13 August 2013      Revised:  16 October 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 
Corresponding Authors:  Lin-Cheng Wang   

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Gen-Fang Wang Jian-Mei Lu Lin-Cheng Wang Spin-star environment assisted entanglement generations in weakly coupled bipartite systems Chin. Phys. B 0

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