Abstract Tokamak plasma density evolution is generally modeled by a diffusion--convection equation in cylindrical geometry. By using a semi-analytical approach, we solve such an equation for a given diffusion coefficient and inward convection velocity as an arbitrary function of the radial position. Through variable separation, a Sturm--Liouville-type eigenvalue problem is solved, thereby constructing a complete set of orthogonal eigenfunctions. Based on the decomposition of the solution, the initial function, and the source function in these eigenfunctions, several problems of practical interest about the density evolution are analyzed. They include the density evolution, with boundary density not being zero; the density profile with internal transport barrier; the damping profile during particle source being shut-down. Results are found to be qualitatively consistent with the tokamak experiments.
Shi Bing-Ren(石秉仁) Semi-analytical modeling of tokamak density evolution 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 065202
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